Jongleur Pictures Studios
News Update:
Plans are under way for these studios to become the premier location in all the world to make motion pictures, video and television programs. They will include a theme park, cutting edge production facilities post production facilities, sound stages, a tank, location vistas on our back lot suitable for Westerns, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, ponds, forests, deserts, you name it and we have it. Holographic production facilities where we plan to produce the very first holographic feature film. Add to that Hologram Way: 9 theaters where holographic productions are presented; Elvis Theater, Michael Jackson Theater, Willie Nelson Theater, Barbra Streisand Theater, Madonna Theater, Lady Gaga Theater, a Pop/Rock Music Revue Theater and A Country Music Revue Theater. 8 theaters will be located along side of a Yellow Brick Road' that will lead to the 'Land of Oz' theater will be. We will have holographic presentations of scenes from the Wizard of Oz movie including the one where Dorothy sings 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'.
An airport, heliport and office space for independent production companies as well as special liason offices for productions that Jongleur uses for co-productions with Sony, Columbia, Paramount, Warner Brothers, Fox, Disney, etc.
Preliminary reserch for developing the studio design and building the studio here in the US and a number of overseas locations continues. No decision has been made on the first location as yet.
News: 35th Anniversary Release of the album THEY SLEW THE DREAMER on iTunes.
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