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Los Angeles, California, USA

February 8, 2006

Beyond the partisan squabbles of politicians around the world hovers the instinct for individual survival. It is this most compelling fear that makes people murder, lie, cover-up and conspire to do and continue to do those things that have made them successful. From the beginning when President Truman created the NSA, National Security Agency, it has been the temptation of every President to do what he wanted to do regardless. As President Lyndon Johnson learned when he paid off Mafia Boss Carlos Marcello in his early political career, for a politician there is something to be had by winning elections. Johnson wanted to win elections and someday be the President of the United States. Once you have gotten the hand up from Organized Crime then you find that there is something to be had by staying alive.

To help make sure he did stay alive LBJ created a new arm of the CIA that he called the DOD. You might say that there was already a DOD, the Department of Defense, and you are right. Johnson wanted his own DOD he called it the Domestic Operations Division of the CIA. There were some here in this country that never knew the difference. Agents of the DOD were assumed by most as being military agents working for the Department of Defense. They had no idea that the agents were actually LBJ's personal Special Forces. Some of these came from rogue elements of the CIA that had been running their own brand of Special Operations for years.

The years slipped by and President Nixon's Special Forces hatched a group that brought us all the Watergate Scandal. I broke the news some time ago that the exposing of the Watergate Burglary was another special operation that was designed and succeeded in throwing everyone off the real story which was the continuation of the cover-up of the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK. Of course this news has not and probably never will actually be covered by any major news organizations. They have the instinct for survival also.

MLK They Slew the Dreamer Movie Presentation


Then along came ECHELON. This is an amazing complexity of information gathering and special strategic implementations of Worldwide Security Operations. Only a handful of people actually have the authority to filter the execution of the matters that come out of it. Even fewer are in a position to use the broad-ranging operation for personal gain. Of course no one could imagine anyone doing such a thing, but.

Now here in the good old USA we have CIFA and TALON. That is 'Central Intelligence Field Activity' and 'Threat and Local Observation Notice'. I don't know if they have been or are being used by any individuals in our Government for personal gain but then again new United States Government Agencies can be created quickly when the right people want it.

There is a certain arrogance that comes with the territory for those who truly have a 'license to kill'. Those who are working today at the super-secret level that includes this license know from history that they not only have the license but are convinced that they will be protected and covered by the US Government. Unfortunately for them and us a government that uses such tools never forgets that tools can be discarded when they are no longer useful. They can be melted down, smoked, terminated, reeducated and made to disappear in very efficient procedures that come with no redress of grievances. Most of us civilians need not concern ourselves with such matters since only terrorists or those who are actually doing the dreadful work of killing folks to protect our government are affected. We do need to protect our folks, even if it comes at the expense of those who are supposed to be the ones being protected. It is very clear now with the new NSA operation that is authorized by the President to watch any or all of us any or all of the time that we all are now living in a fishbowl, so to speak. You might ask yourself this question. Who is watching those who are watching us? Could be as simple as President Bush. I don't think so but then knowing my history you just never know and probably never will know the truth of the matter. Then again I guess it doesn't matter who gets screwed or murdered as long as "I'm OK", right?

Gary Revel

JFK Assassination Links

Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel
The JFK Assassination: In the Light of Day
Gary Revel interview on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Pictures of Assassins
JFK Assassination Bullet Fragment Analysis Proves Second Shooter
3 Tramps in Dealy Plaza: What are they to JFK killing
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK

MLK They Slew the Dreamer Movie Presentation