The Investigation of the Assassination of
President John F. Kennedy
by Special Investigator Gary Revel
The Department of Justice, FBI, CIA, did not reveal to the Warren Commission information available in 1964, and the Secret Service was deficient in their protection of the President, as was their duty. Further, the Warren Commission did not purpose to find the truth of the entire matter of the assassination of the President of the United States of America, John F. Kennedy. The Warren Commission, instead, sought to affirm the statements and positions of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and then President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
The FBI and the CIA were plagued with organizational failures, miscommunication, and a desire to keep certain parts of their operations secret. Furthermore, some members of the Warren Commission expected these agencies to be forthcoming with any information that would aid their investigation. Instead the FBI and the CIA only saw it as their duty to respond to specific requests for information from the commission. However, the FBI and the CIA were deficient, in performing even the limited role, in providing those things called for by those specific requests. Some of those with the Warren Commission would later deny they agreed that Oswald was the killer. One of those, Congressman Hale Boggs had done so and was expected to publicly made his opinion known. However he disappeared while on a campaign trip to Alaska. The airplane he was in disappeared and has not been founde. He and the other occupants of the plane have not been found either. This is just one of the many mysteries involving particpants and witnesses involved with the Warren Commission. Historicallly, many problems arise with the Warren Commission Report when investigated with the historical perspective we now have.
As the Special Investigator (Under Cover) of the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations I participated in the public release of the findings in 12 volumes and a single-volume summary report, still the majority of primary documents were sealed for 50 years under congressional rules. In 1992, Congress passed legislation to collect and open up all the evidence relating to Kennedy's death, and created the Assassination Records Review Board to further that goal. Materials that have been uncovered significantly change the conclusions that the HSCA reached in both the assassinations of JFK and MLK Jr.
The ARRB reported: "Because the HSCA investigation was marked by internal squabbling and disillusioned staffers, the Committee's records were the subject of ongoing controversy. Some ex-staffers claimed the HSCA report did not reflect their investigative work, and that information that did not conform with the Committee leadership's preconceived conclusions was ignored or left out of the report and supporting volumes."[
In 1992, author Bonar Menninger dismissed the committee report as Blakey's $5 Million Folly.
Robert Blakey, the Chief Counsel of the committee, later changed his views that the CIA was being cooperative and forthcoming with the investigation when he learned that the CIA's special liaison to the Committee researchers, George Joannides, was actually involved with some of the organizations that Lee Harvey Oswald was allegedly involved with in the months leading up to the assassination. Among these organizations was an anti-Castro group, the Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil, which was linked to the CIA (Joannides was in fact working for the CIA in 1963). Chief Counsel Blakey later stated that Joannides should have in fact been interviewed by the HCSA, rather than serving as a gatekeeper to the CIA's evidence and files regarding the assassination. He further disregarded and suspected all the CIA's statements and representations to the Committee, accusing it of obstruction of justice.
In the same 2003 interview, Blakey issued a statement on the Central Intelligence Agency. Here is an excerpt from that statement:
...I no longer believe that we were able to conduct an appropriate investigation of the [Central Intelligence] Agency and its relationship to Oswald.... We now know that the Agency withheld from the Warren Commission the CIA–Mafia plots to kill Castro. Had the commission known of the plots, it would have followed a different path in its investigation. The Agency unilaterally deprived the commission of a chance to obtain the full truth, which will now never be known. Significantly, the Warren Commission's conclusion that the agencies of the government co-operated with it is, in retrospect, not the truth. We also now know that the Agency set up a process that could only have been designed to frustrate the ability of the committee in 1976–79 to obtain any information that might adversely affect the Agency. Many have told me that the culture of the Agency is one of prevarication and dissimulation and that you cannot trust it or its people. Period. End of story. I am now in that camp.
According to a 2015 Politico report, newly declassified documents show that CIA director John A. McCone hid evidence from the Warren Commission. According to a once-secret report written in 2013 by the CIA's top in-house historian, David Robarge, the CIA admits McCone and other senior CIA officials withheld 'incendiary' information from the Warren Commission.
The fact is, Lee Harvey Oswald did not shoot and kill President John F. Kennedy.
It is important to remember that the United States Constitution guarantees every American of the right of 'due process' of law and in essence we innocent of crimes until proven guilty. Lee Harvey Oswald is innocent. He has not been tried and convicted of the crime. All the evidence that cleared him of the crime would have been impossible for the prosecution to overcome in a fair trial. He was set up to take the fall and then executed to prevent the case from going to court.
Special Investigator: Gary Revel
The Physics and the Final Evidence of a Second Sniper Behind the Stockade Fence (regularly updated!) by Alberto Miatello
Some MLK Assassination Investigation links
MLK Assassination Final Report
They Slew the Dreamer History
Copies of pages from the transcript of the James Earl Ray guitly plea hearing and analysis by Special Investigator Gary Revel
Lyrics and History of THEY SLEW THE DREAMER
Mystery Helicopter and Riot Control in Memphis During March with MLK
The Case Against James Earl Ray: Anyalysis by Martin Hay
Some JFK Assassination Links
The JFK Assassination: In the Light of Day
Gary Revel interview on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Pictures of Assassins
JFK Assassination Bullet Fragment Analysis Proves Second Shooter
Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel
3 Tramps in Dealy Plaza: What are they to JFK killing
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK
Gary Revel is Special Investigator (Under Cover) of the assassination of Martin Luther King JR. whose work on that case led him to find links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK and RFK.
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