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Movies, Book Publishing, Music and more...

Jongleur Pictures LLC/Movies - COME ON IN
Jongleur Music/Riant Records - COME ON IN
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Mother Nature Festival Live Inc. - COME ON IN
Gary Revel Ministries-Media Church - COME ON IN
James Lowe/KJAG interviews Elisabeth Revel - COME ON IN

NEW! HILLARY FLIES TO THE MOON - Audiobook at Audible
John F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy
Martin Luther King Jr.
Final Report
Investigating Life/Music/Career of Michael Jackson
Investigating John Lennon Killing
Investigating the mysterious death of Congressman Hale Boggs


"One little truth is more powerful than all the lies in the world."
"The kindness you give goes a long way and always comes back to you."

Gary on Facebook
Gary Revel Biographical Summary
Gary at IMDB/IMDB Pro
Gary at Slated dot Com
Gary Revel Ministry-Media Church
Gary at Pinterest

Gary Revel Wordpress Blog

So, You Wanna Make a Movie:
The Art of the Matter is the Heart of the Matter
Article by Gary Revel

The Gary Revel Special Investigations Feature Motion Picture Franchise

This is a book trailer for the book, "To Live or Maybe Not", by Gary Revel
It was produced using Adobe Premier Pro and some other audio/video supporting production/recording programs and tools.
It is presented here via it's Youtube link.

If you don't see the video here
that means your browser doesn't support embedded videos,
but don't worry, you can download the MP4, click here.

Resourced Wikipedia/Wikieverybody Gary Revel Article

Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan.

Note: Revel began his filmmaking career with the docu/music/drama "The Last of the American Hobos" in the early 1970s in Hollywood, California. He made his first music recordings in the studios of Capitol Records located at Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood.

The Jongleur Group of companies have over 100 filmmakers, actors/actresses, writers, authors, artists, musicians, illustrators, techies, visionaries, innovators, creators, and influencers working to make entertainment product that inspires and blesses. We own and operate 3 businesses here in the US and have partners across the oceans and around the world. Our valuable portfolio includes development of over 20 feature films, media content, and television series, along with over 40 published books from more than a dozen authors/illustrators, and over 20 recording artists on our music label. We are anxious to be a part of your journey in the entertainment and publishing world as well. Join our visionary team as you make your own way in becoming an inspiration to others.

Jongleur Books and Jongleur Music are subsidiaries of Jongleur Pictures LLC

Jongleur Group Mission Statement: Making sure the best times of your life can be pleasant, entertaining, and worth your while.

Jongleur Group Vision Statement: Seeing what others can't see and creating a way for them to see it.

If you want to check out the resume of Gary Revel click here.

Photo of Gary Revel in New Orleans in May of 2021
Gary Revel

Webmaster, Jacob Persico
Delta Fox Design