Temple, TX USA March 12, 2015 |
The recent shooting of 2 police officers in Ferguson gets our attention to how dangerous a job in law enforcement has become. When engaging a citizen the police must know there is a clear and present danger the person is armed, to take every action needed for a safe engagement. When it is unclear as to the citizen's armed status then it becomes more dangerous for both the officer and the citizen. One approach is to assume, in each engagement, that the citizen is armed and dangerous. We know from experience this may result in added safety for the officers involved, however, more innocent citizens are killed as a result. There is no pat answer to deal with this problem but experience and/or street savvy certainly helps. Still, this is a must for many officers; assume the citizen is an armed and dangerous perp.
Times are changing and the public in general is getting more wary of the authority that is invested in an officer with a badge and a gun. To fully effect respect and a co-working relationship between police and the public changes have to be made. Police officers must become more likely to serve and protect the average citizen than to stop, search and arrest. The difference is attitude. If an officer views every encounter as a dangerous event that should lead to arrest of the citizen there is no doubt that the officer has an attitude problem. Officers who have historically been quick to shoot and kill rather than discern and analyze, leading to a safer outcome must re-evaluate themselves. The overall perspective the citizens have of the officers who serve them is so very important to the ability of officers to do their job. Knowing that it only takes a second for an officer to be caught off guard and be killed himself is a powerful motivation. However, if the community the officer serves, in general, respects the police officers and are co-workers with those who work their streets, then this is far less likely to be the case, resulting in a safer workplace for the officers.
We now know for certain that law enforcement, even along with the FBI, BATF, etc. cannot be everywhere all the time. There is no guarantee of safety for a public that relies only on law enforcement. The fact that there are now Terrorists in every state in the union puts emphasis on this. At the same time the prolific sell and distribution of combat styled arms to citizens makes everybody less safe. The public is starting to understand that there must be a partnership between themselves and law enforcement for the best result of overall safety. We have an opportunity to make policing and community relations work better than it ever has. This must be the focus of law enforcement now. Yes, times are changing and we must change with the times.
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