PRAYER to Break a CurseDear Heavenly Father I come before the throne of God thanking you for your love, mercy, goodness, kindness and patience with us. I thank you for your son, our Savior Jesus Christ and for his sacrifice of his life and his suffering for us. I pray now in the name of Jesus for the person who is here in need of cleansing and the breaking of a curse or curses on their life. Jesus himself, became the curse for us, when he was nailed to the cross. By him taking the curse, and all our sins, we are free from every sin and every curse and take ownership of that freedom now. Every curse is broken over us, every evil spirit, familial spirit, spirit of tradition, ritual, seance, perverted sex, force, threats, demons, demonic, and all curses and spirits that have come in any hidden or secretive manner that has caused or is causing or is planned to cause harm to us. I cover and apply the blood of Jesus over us now, the blood of Jesus that poured from Jesus when he was lashed with the whip, cutting stripes into his back, beaten, and crucified on the cross for us, bearing all our sickness, disease, injuries, sins and curses and freeing us from all and any harmful or evil spirits. Jesus loves us and has not given any authority for any curse or evil or wicked spirit to vex us in any way whatsoever and any such spirit, curse or vexation is broken and has no right to stay in us and has now left. It is gone, removed, cast out, and cannot return for the seal of the Holy Spirit is placed in and on our lives with the blood of Jesus covering and applied to us, our heart, mind, body, soul, and spirit. Nevermore may a curse, or any spirit enter or attach to us that is not sent by God, the Holy Spirit or Jesus as a comfort and advocate for our good. More Prayers Prayer for AbortionsPrayer for Salvation