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Help the Suicidal I PrayFather in the name of Jesus I come to you as a mortal being whom you created in your image. I don't really understand what that means. Your awesome power and infinite being is more than I can wrap my head around. I do believe that the Bible is your word. I believe that when we pray, you hear and answer. I am praying today for all those who are suicidal or depressed. I am asking you to help those who are comtemplating suicide. I don't believe it is your desire that any person cut short their own life. For the sake of others as well as ourselves, help us Lord help us to understand the fear and isolation of those who are suicidal. Help those who struggle with living, find peace. Help them to know that they are needed by others. Help them to realize that time is it's own genius and will bring change. The change they want and need may be just moments away. Rescue the helpless and floundering. Help them want to live another day. Deliver them from thoughts of suicide. Help them now, oh Lord I pray Amen Now if you are suffering depression or having thoughts of sucide just ask Jesus to help you. Speak his name, Jesus, and know that he is closer than a brother and wanting to give you peace and hope for another day. Come now Lord Jesus we pray. If the thoughts persist call 1 (800) 273-8255 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: 24 hours, 7 days a week Languages: English, Spanish Website: Click Here ![]() Prayer for AbortionsAfter by Scharlene WalkerBroken World Broken People by Scharlene WalkerPrayer for SalvationPrayer for Healing