Rihanna in Nearly Naked Dress at CFDA Awards
June 3, 2014
Rihanna appeared in her nearly naked dress for the 2014 CFDA-Council of Fashion Designers of America Awards last night. The awards show was presented at the Alice Tully Hall, Starr Theater. 1941 Broadway New York, NY 10023 212.721.6500. Rihanna was covered in transparent sparkly mesh with nipples in plain view but dressed in somewhat modest panties to accept Style Icon of the Year award.
Rihanna ran late but arrived with 230,000 Swarovski crystals enmeshed in her sheer stylings. Adam Selman and Rihanna made a statement with the dress; it afforded a nearly naked view of the famous and somewhat infamous singing star as she took the stage.
The annual event recognizes the outstanding contributions made to American fashion by individuals from all areas of the industry and related arts, with awards being given for design excellence in womenswear, menswear, and accessories as well as extraordinary accomplishments in journalism, creative vision, and lifetime achievement.

Here's her little dance for an Instagram user.
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MLK-They Slew the Dreamer Presentation
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