November 15, 1999
pp. 1-17
Jury selection begins. It is closed to the public.
The Memphis Commercial Appeal is granted
permission to file an appeal against the public being
excluded for jury selection.
November 16, 1999
pp. 18-199
- Mrs. Coretta Scott King, wife
of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., currently - Founder, The Martin Luther
King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc.
- Dr. Cobey Smith, founder, The
Invaders (Black Organizing Project) - 1968, educator consultant (current)
- Mr. Charles Cabbage, Executive
Secretary, The Invaders
- Mr. John McFerren, founder,
Fayette County Civic & Welfare League and local businessman
- Mr. Nathan Whitlock, taxicab
driver, musician
- Captain Thomas Smith, Memphis
Police Department, Homocide Detective (1968), currently retired
- Mr. Charles Hurley, advertising
manager, National Food Stores, Memphis (1968), Division Manager,
Save-A-Lot Food Stores (current)
November 17, 1999
pp. 200-355
- Mr. James Milner, taxicab driver
- Mr. Floyd Newsom, Memphis Fire
Department, retired
- Mr. Norville Wallace, Chief,
Memphis Fire Department, retired
- Mr. Leon Cohen, special deputy
at Juvenile Court, took photos around the Lorraine Motel the morning
after the assassination, retired
- Mr. Ed Redditt, Memphis Police
Department, detective, Community Relations Officer, retired, volunteer
high school coach
- Mr. James McCraw (deceased),
taxicab driver, via previous deposition
- Mr. Jerry Williams, captain,
Memphis Police Department (1968), real estate currently
- Mr. Phillip Melanson, professor,
political science, author “The Martin Luther King
- Ms. Kaye Pittman Black, reporter,
The Memphis Press Scimitar (1968), via sworn testimony in 1993
November 18, 1999
pp. 356-536
- Rev. James Lawson, Jr., SCLC Board Member, Pastor, Centenary
United Methodist Church in Memphis (1968), retired
- Mr. Maynard Stiles, Division Superintendent, Department of
Sanitation, retired
- Ms. Olivia Catling, neighborhood resident around Lorraine
- Mr. Ed Atkinson, Memphis Police Department, Traffic Division,
- Mr. Hasel Huckaby, South Central Bell, employee, via sworn
statement in 1993
- Mr. James Lesar, lawyer, represented James Earl Ray (1970-76),
currently specializes in Freedom of Information Act litigation
- The Honorable Andrew J. Young, Executive Vice President of
SCLC (in 1968), currently Chairman, GoodWorks International, LLC
November 22, 1999
pp. 537-746
- Videotape of the meeting
between Loyd Jowers, Dexter Scott King, Andrew J. Young and
Lewis Garrison, Little Rock, AR
- Mr. Arthur Haynes, Jr.,
James Earl Ray’s first attorney (with his father), currently,
Circuit Judge 10th Judicial Circuit, AL
- Ms. Bobbie Balfour,
Jim’s Grill, employee, currently a cook
- Mr. William R. Key,
Clerk of Court, Shelby County
- Mr. Joe B. Brown,
Judge, 30th Judicial District, State of TN, Division 9, Criminal
Court, Shelby County
November 23, 1999
pp. 747-917
- Dr. Jerry Francisco, professor of pathology, University of TN,
Shelby County Medical Examiner (1968 and currently)
- Mr. John Billings, surgical assistant, St. Joseph’s
Hospital (1968), private investigator (current)
- Mr. Royce Wilburn, master electrician (1968-present),
brother of Ms. Glenda Grabow
- Mr. Sidney J. Carthew, merchant seaman, British Merchant Navy,
via teleconference deposition in 1999
- Mr. Joe B. Hodges, Memphis Police Department, dog squad (1968), retired
- Rev. James Orange, Executive Staff, SCLC, via previous affadavit
- Mr. James W. Smith, Memphis Police Department, special services (1968)
- Ms. Barbara Reis, journalist, Publico newspaper, Portugal
November 24, 1999
pp. 918-991
- Mr. Jack Saltman, television
producer, BBC, Thames, HBO, and ABC-TV
- Dr. Clayborne Carson,
professor of history, Stanford University, Editor -
The King Papers project
November 29, 1999
pp. 992-1183
- Mr. William B. Hamblin, taxi-cab driver (1968), part-time
security guard (currently)
- Mr. James Joseph Isabel, taxi-cab and charter bus driver
(1968), retired
- Mr. Jerry William Ray, brother of James Earl Ray
- Ray Alvis Hendrix, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Government on the Dredge Oakerson
- William Zinny Reed, salesman for photography firm in Memphis area
- Mr. Willie B. Richmond, captain, Memphis Police Department
- Internal Affairs, retired
- Mr. Douglas Valentine, author, The Phoenix Program
- Mr. Carthel Weeden, Memphis Fire Department (1968),
construction company owner (currently)
- The Honorable Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy, SCLC Washington, DC
Chapter Director (1968), later chair of the Congressional
Subcommittee investigating the Assassination, pastor
- Ms. April R. Ferguson, attorney, one of the post conviction
defense attorney for James Earl Ray.
- James E. Adams, taxi-cab driver
- Yolanda King, actress/producer, eldest daughter of Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King
November 30, 1999
pp. 1184-1364
- Mr. Jack Kershaw, attorney, for James Earl Ray (’77)
- Mr. Jack Terrel, Civilian Military Assistance, via videotaped
- Mr. Louis Ward, security police and taxi-cab driver (1968),
part-time roofer (current)
- Mr. Raymond Kohlman, attorney
- Mr. Earl Caldwell, reporter, The New York Times (1968)
via videotaped deposition
- Mr. Roy Grabow, husband of Glenda Grabow
- Mr. John C. Smith, member, The Invaders
- Mr. William Schaap, attorney, military and intelligence
specialization, co-publisher “Covert Action Quarterly”
December 1, 1999
pp. 1365-1544
- Mr. Loyd Jowers, via deposition Nov. 2, 1994
- Mr. Mark Glankler, investigator, appointed by District Attorney
General-December, 1993
- Mr. Dexter King, Chairman, President & CEO - The Martin Luther
King, Jr. Center For Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., youngest son of
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King
December 2, 1999
pp. 1545-1718
- Rev. Samuel B. Kyles, pastor, Monumental Baptist Church,
Memphis, TN, (1968-present)
- Mr. Frank W. Young, Shelby County Criminal Clerk’s Office
- Mr. Eli Arkin, Memphis Police Department - inspection
bureau (1968), currently - The Cottonwood Company
- Ms. Rebecca A. Clark, ex-wife of Captain Earl Clark, Memphis
Police Department (1968)
- Mr. John Doe, via videotaped desposition of Novemebr 5, 1999
- Lavada Anderson, testimony via deposition
December 6, 1999
pp. 1719-1933
- Ms. LaVada Addison, restaurant owner (1968), self-employed,
LaVada Estate Sales (current)
- Mr. James Earl Ray, deposition of March 11-12, 1995 in the
case of James Earl Ray versus Loyd Jowers
December 7, 1999
pp. 1942-2157
- Mr. James Earl Ray, deposition of March 11-12, 1995 in the
case of James Earl Ray versus Loyd Jowers (continued)
- Ms. Betty Jean Spates, waitress - Jim’s Grill,
deposition of November 3, 1999
December 8, 1999
pp. 2158-2288
MLK-They Slew the Dreamer Presentation
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