Jongleur Music Pictures Company
NEWS! Angels in the Clouds
The story of Lynn Johnston and the brutal beatings she took from her husband as she struggled to keep her family together, but, finally gained the courage to escape the abusive marriage. To be adapted from the book, Angels in the Clouds.
Maggie Ling and the Hall of Records Being developed with Maggie Q in mind for the lead role as the female 007, James Bond. Screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel
JFK, MLK, RFK, Assassination Trilogy John Lennon Assassination and Ronald Reagan Attempted Assassination
Their dreams of peace and love were turned into nightmares by the 'Dream Killers' (The trilogy; JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations based on the investigations of Gary Revel.)
 The Gary Revel investigation MLK into the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) is the basis of the screenplay, titled MLK, written by William Sachs. Locations include Memphis, Tennessee (Home of Elvis Presley and Sam Phillip's Sun Records) where MLK was killed and the Rock & Roll/Blues music world that it exemplifies. They Slew the Dreamer, but the dream lives on; with attention and concern for bringing to fruition Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech.

Logline: Robert F. Kennedy was shot down in cold blood on June 5th, 1968. For private eye Jim Bradway, this was only the beginning or could it be the end?
The RFK assassination story is now the theme of the screenplay, Red Polka Dot Dress, written by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel. The screenplay has gone into Turnaround and talks continue for it's production and distribution as a feature film.
When you sit down to watch this movie; prepare for a journey to a place you've never been allowed to see before and from which you will never return. The virgin land of truth about the RFK assassination.

Other Thing/JFK: The Real Story, screenplay by Robert Schramm Burnside, Gary Revel and Ambyr Davis. [The historical perspective by Gary Revel; The JFK Assassination: In the Light of Day provides an inside look at the killing. More Here
 History lingers and winces at the memory of the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy. So much has been written, filmed and discussed in every forum including literary, television, cable, film, video, internet and every kind of news productions and publishing. Often in all this is the feeling that much of it has an agenda beyond truth or entertainment.
NOTE: William Sachs has the exclusive option to the story of Gary's investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. He has written a screenplay, MLK, that tells the story of intrigue, murder and adventure in Gary's investigation.

Don't Stop Dancing
A motion picture project in development with screenplay by Jordan Tate and Gary Revel. The true story of Michael Jackson that answers the question; who was really behind the success of the Jackson 5 and the phenomenon that was the King of Pop.
The investigation by Gary Revel into the Jackson empire revealed the hidden secrets that are the backbone of this motion picture. The investigation was brought about by a request from Ben Brown, and facilitated by producer and record label partner Gordon Keith.
The story is fascinating as it pulls back the covers of the fantasy world that became Michael's life and leaves the audience with a deep understanding of how the abuse, exploitation and gross commercialization of the young Michael ultimately led to his death. With all the glamour, wealth, powerful forces in Hollywood and around the world juxtaposed with the greed, betrayal, deceit and lies was the life and music career of Michael Jackson. Plagued by drug abuse and the inability to sleep without being completely knocked out with propafol Michael Jackson finally slipped into the deep sleep. Whether it is by his own hand or not is only part of the mystery. This screenplay has been submitted to Amy Pascal at Sony Pictures and some top literary agents in Hollywood.
Logline: Michael Jackson is dead but the true and to a larger degree even marvelous and wonderful story of his life can now be told. The riveting fantasyland that his life became will be shown along with the lies, coercion and secrets completely hidden until now.
Marketing Note: Many millions of people throughout the world anxiously await the true story of Michael Jackson as told by Gary Revel.
More here...
John Lennon was murdered and Mark Chapman was the killer, or was he. Detective Zak Renfeld must find the truth, and live to tell about it.
KING OF THE LITTLE PEOPLE Screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel
Based on the story of the Gary Revel investigation of the assassination of John Lennon. A mystery thriller motion picture that peels back the layers of lies and cover-up of the killing of Beatles' John Lennon. We find the proposed killer Mark Chapman is King of the Little People and has more demons to fight than he has abilities to overcome them. What we really want to know is: Did he have help?
Screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel. Jen Soskin at HBO said this about the screenplay, "It's well written... impressed, fun, readable, cloak & dagger... unique conspiracy theory...
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 President Ronald Reagan
New: The attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan is the newest project launched by Gary Revel Investigations. Check back later to follow the progress.
EAGLES SOAR - Loosely based on the character (Leutrell 'Mike' Osborne) found in the book, BLACK MAN IN THE CIA. James Bond's African American juxtaposition, so to speak. Screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel. Mike takes on ISIS as they launch a threat of nuclear disaster against the USA, Great Britain and Israel.
An action/adventure/thriller about an African American CIA-007 type agent full of intrigue, danger, surprise and thrills.
RE-ANIMATE: The Kales Report: Scifi - Screenplay by Rocky Jalil and Gary Revel. Treatment A Zombie Apocalypse story adapted from the book, The Kales Report, published by Jongleur Music Book Publishing-A Gary Revel Company.
GYPSY PRINCE: Adventure - Screenplay by Gabriel Gherasim; Synopsis A reluctant inheritor of the Gypsy Tribes’ throne comes to terms with his responsibilities and priorities, as he is groomed by his dying grandfather into the arduous task of supreme leadership over these nomadic communities. In the process, he becomes aware of the violent realities of the Gypsy leaders’ rivalries, and has to decide whether he’ll take the time-proven path of violence against his enemies, or make recourse to the law. Love, passion, violence, dance, loyalties, music, and betrayals, are abounding in this breath-taking view of a thousand years old culture, civilization and community, trying to come to terms with 21st century transformations.
CHILLED OVER ICE: Crime/Psychological Drama - A popular interior designer is raped in New Orleans. Her high society friends are aghast and want answers. What follows is not only shocking but takes you on a journey into the nightmares and psychological twists and turns of the victim and the perpetrator. This is the first novel from the author, Toya Marie Jordan, who is a 55 year old woman with adult children. The book is edited by Gary Revel and published by Jongleur Music Book Publishing. The screenplay is being written and talks have begun with prospective directors and producers. Book Review LAST CLONE: Adventure - Story/Film Treatment by Gary Revel with screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel. Logline: The story of the cloning of Jesus Christ and the Armageddon that follows. Executive Producer Jeena Ingraham.
A SULTANA STORY: Historical Fiction/Romaniticism - Log Line: The United States won the war against the Confederate States to save the union. A young girl becomes a woman during this time as her
father serves in the Union Army. He never made it back home and she
could not rest until she traveled to the Southern strong-hold to find
him. The tragedy of the explosion of the steamship Sultana would do what
the war and the Confederate prison camps couldn't; take the life of her
brave and precious father.
LITTLE DID WE KNOW: Stringbean Biopic - The life and murder of the Grand Ole Opry/Hee Haw story of Stringbean (David Akeman) and his wife Estelle. Log Line: Grand Ole Opry/Hee Haw star Stringbean (David Akeman) and his wife Estelle were gruesomely shot down and killed at their home in Nashville Tennessee. The story of how these 2 innocent and kind people could be gruesomely murdered by heartless killers has yet to be told until now.
Little did we know how soon they would go.
MAGIC ROADHOUSE INN: Crime - Log Line: A gruesome murder and investigation expose the disturbing corruption of Orlando Florida law enforcement. A young woman, who had been in love with the murder victim, steps forward to solve the crime in her own youthful and naive way even though she too worked for the police department.
MODEL LIFE: Romantic Comedy; Log Line:
Nouvel had it all as a supermodel 'til she was cursed by a
vengeful psychic. She gained weight and lost her supermodel status as
Ben proved his love for her by standing by her even in her obese
condition. When Nouvel ultimately chooses love over fame and glory the
curse is broken and she and Ben find their love is the most important
thing in their lives.
DON'T STOP DANCING: Screenplay being written by Jordan Tate and Gary Revel -True life story of Michael Jackson.
GOLF GODS: New Age Fantasy based on the book by David Green, screenplay by David Green and Gary Revel.
Logline: A golf course inspector goes into a book store and accidentally bumps into his Spiritual Guide. She takes him into a fantasy world where every home has it's own golf course, brings him back to reality, marries him and then sees his dream become his nightmare. Note: This has a little bit of a Brigadoon feel to it that brings to mind the classic story-telling that never disappoints. Screenplay
Screenplay Poster for Golf Gods
CRIME ON TERROR:Screenplay by Vahram 'Hakobyan' Jacobs
Logline: A money laundering criminal outfit, trying to stay as low profile as possible, is deceived into involuntarily assisting a terrorist attack and consequently finds itself in a bloody conflict with the terrorists.
INDIAN SIDEKICK: Screenplay by Ralph Roberts
Logline: Three cultures - knife-wielding Gurkha, Cherokee, and Southern
Appalachian - clash to catch a brutal serial killer on the Cherokee
reservation in the Great Smokey Mountains.
A tribal police chief with a huge serial killer problem gets saddled with
a REAL Indian detective from India who brings along her fearsome
knife-wielding Gurkha father, who fancies himself a Himalayan Sherlock
Holmes when not meddling in her love life. The chief must bring three
cultures together to stop the monster before they all die.
BABUSHKA - One story from Gary Revel's investigation of the JFK assassination includes Babushka. A young woman that fell into the intrigue, danger, betrayal and conspiracy of the killing of President John F. Kennedy. She filmed the shot that blew JFK's brains out but, like many other proofs of conspiracy, the film was confiscated by authorities and fell off the face of the earth.
HATRED IS THE KEY - Screenplay by Graham Sclater
WHEEL STORY - Screenplay by Tanner Grover
Social Hollywood Magazine Interview
THE AMERICAN ARABIAN - Screenplay by Royal Darrah Synopsis/Treatment
JOE KELLY FOR PRESIDENT- Screenplay by Valerie Hockert
ALL AMERICAN GIRL GARAGE BAND - A Reality Television Program:
AMERICAN STUDENT - A Reality Television Program:
DREAM KILLERS - A Television Series: