Attorney Jack McNeil and the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Memphis, Tennessee

Jack McNeil, and Me
We were standing on the balcony
where Martin Luther King Jr. had been
shot and killed April 4,

Jack McNeil found how risky and dangerous it would be for an establishment type to enter into the search for truth in the killing of Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a Nobel Peace Prize Winner, a Baptist Preacher, a Civil Rights leader, a Nonviolence Activist, an Anti-Vietnam War Protester, a father and a man with a vision for the betterment of all people. His "I Have A Dream" speech has electrified and inspired millions for many years now. With the anniversary of his death coming up this former Special Investigator has decided to bring a little more light into the dark corners of injustice related to this case. We go to Memphis and seek to shine a bit of light on the attorney Jack McNeil.

Jack had been an establishment type most of his legal career. A former Memphis City Councilman and a Tennessee State Legislator. He stayed the course of main stream political endeavor and went about his work not making many waves doing the 'Good Ol' Boy' kind of work that was expected of every good Southern Lawyer. Then for reasons he was not able to really pinpoint he got interested in finding out the truth about the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

For a Memphis lawyer to take a step in this direction is always a tumultuous happening. Especially when he starts to represent James Earl Ray, Coretta Scott King and schedule to go before a Grand Jury to re-open the MLK Assassination case.

Jack McNeil and me standing out front
of the rooming house and bar and grill
where the final planning and fulfillment
of the operation to kill MLK were made.

As he was preparing to go before that Grand Jury and on the very morning of his planned appearance he got a call. He was asked to come to the Memphis Police Department about a 'little legal matter'. He went and found he was facing charges that would ultimatel disbar him from practicing law for a period of time.

Okay, they didn't kill him or a member of his family. He didn't wake up with a bloody decapitated horse head in his bed. However, the clear message was sent. 'Mess with us and we will mess with you.' That is the message the conspirators and those who continue to keep the cover-up of the truth about MLK's murder sent.

Much more has happened since then. His career suffered greatly. Attempts on his life were made a number of times and in general a few interested people made his life a living hell since then.

He did get his license to practice law back but it hasn't been the same since he dallied with trying to bring truth to the lies and deception in the killing of King.

I have a very personal stake in this matter because I too have suffered greatly from my own attempt to shine light down this dark hall of injustice. Like Jack McNeil and many others I just didn't learn my lesson well enough to shut up and so have been regularly harassed and hindered from any sort of successful business ventures or forays into commercial productivity.

So ... with the 40th anniversary of my own investigation into the asssassination of Martin Luther King Jr. I salute Attorney Jack McNeil and wish him the best.

Okay, while in the process of preparing this for release I called Jack. He is doing well. We discussed the matter at hand and I told him that we certainly have learned that there is no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. He laughed and agreed. He has no deep desire to go back into that 'pursuit of justice' as it were but still firmly believes that James Earl Ray, Lee Harvey Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan were set up to take the fall.

Gary Revel


With Zorro: Unveiling the Plot to Kill MLK Patrick Wood brings the hidden details of the 1977 Gary Revel investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King JR. to light. He is writing and publishing the story in chapters in a way that brings to life the intimacy of Gary's dangerous quest of finding the truth and more. To begin your own personal journey Click Here to Read.

MLK-They Slew the Dreamer Presentation

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MLK Assassination Investigation Links

Copies of pages from the transcript of the James Earl Ray guitly plea hearing and analysis by Special Investigator Gary Revel
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
Leutrell Osborne Finds Disturbing New Details Investigating Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
MLK Conspiracy Trial-Transcript
Mystery Helicopter and Riot Control in Memphis During March with MLK
New Questions About E. Howard Hunt And MLK Assassination-A Gary Revel Commentary
Pictures of Assassins
The Case Against James Earl Ray: Anyalysis by Martin Hay
The Deadly Business of the Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
They Slew the Dreamer - Lyrics and History

More Assassination Research Links

3 Tramps in Dealy Plaza: What are they to JFK killing
Adam Gorightly Interview by Investigative Journalist Bob Wilson
Abraham Bolden-Book Review-Echo From Dealey Plaza
Anti-Castro Cuban exile, Antonio Veciana met with CIA Handler and Oswald
Badgeman: Do you see him and did he kill JFK?
Beverly Oliver Interview-Eyes Wide Shut
Christopher Dodd and the MLK/JFK Assassinations
Bob Wilson Interview with Mort Sahl
Carlos Marcello's Hideout in Swamp by Gary Revel
Chief Curry, the FBI and Assassination of JFK

Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel
Deep Throat Surfaces - Watergate and Assassinations
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Download PDF of the CIA's FAMILY JEWELS - FREE
Gary Revel interview on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Interviedw of Joseph Mcbride
Interviedw of Joan Mellen
Into the Nightmare-Mcbride Book Review
Gayle Nix Interview-JFK Assassination
JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t by James Fetzer
JFK Assassination Bullet Fragment Analysis Proves Second Shooter
JFK Assassination Film
by Orville Nix with interview where he says the shot came
from the fence not the Texas Book Depository.

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JFK: In The Light of Day by Gary Revel
JFK: In The Light of Day Update by Gary Revel
JFK: Robert Kennedy-Rollingstone Article
JFK: The Real Story-Movie Project
JFK: Through the Looking Glass Darkly
JFK: Why and How the CIA Helped Kill Him
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky tells it like it is.

Russo, Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw

Shane O'Sullivan Interview
John Whitten: How the CIA Helped Kill JFK and Keep Their Guilt Hidden
Judd Apatow tweets his displeasure with theaters delaying opening of THE INTERVIEW (movie about a CIA plan to assassinate North Korea's Kim Jung Un) due to the GOP's terrorist threats.
RED POLKA DOT DRESS: Movie project, the mystery of the assassination of Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy; screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel.
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How the CIA Kept Secrets From the HSCA
Why and How the CIA Helped Assassinate JFK

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RSS Feed: Gary Revel MLK Assassination Investigation

Gary Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan.

Owner of Jongleur Music Group of companies that includes music publishing/production/distribution, movie development, and book publishing.


Website Copyright 2006-2019 by Gary Revel