June 9, 2015

New York, NY


Reflections on Jim Garrison



Joan Mellen has conducted essential work on Jim Garrison and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A Farewell to Justice (updated: Skyhorse Pub, 2013) and Jim Garrison: His Life and Times-The Early Years (JFK Lancer, 2008) cannot be ignored in any serious look into these events by those interested. Clay Shaw was charged with conspiracy in the crime to assassinate President Kennedy, for which Jim Garrison had ample evidence. After Shaw was acquitted, the majority of the jury found that there was evidence of a conspiracy in the case. In the aftermath, Garrison charged Shaw with perjury in regard to having known David Ferrie and Lee Harvey Oswald, but the prosecution was blocked. There were at least two witnesses who had come forward to tell Jim Garrison that they had seen these men together, in Clinton and Jackson, Louisiana during the summer of 1963.

During the Shaw trial, Garrison showed the jury the Zapruder film, which had been locked away in the vaults of Time/Life. The film clearly depicted President Kennedy being blown violently back and to the left as the result of a high velocity shot that seems to have come from the Grassy Knoll area in front of Kennedy.

Players such as Kerry Thornley were charged by Jim Garrison with perjury, but they often fled from Louisiana, and Garrison's staff was denied the right to extradite them. Thornley served with Oswald in the Marines, and would write a book based on him before Oswald was charged with JFK's murder. Thornley was the one and only former Marine to accuse Oswald of being a Marxist or extremist before the Warren Commission. Thornley was seen with Oswald in New Orleans by witnesses such as Barbara Reid, but Thornley was long gone from the area by the time the trial rolled around. Garrison had subpoenaed Thornley before the New Orleans Grand Jury, and his responses left much to be desired. Thornley seemed to be on a mission to bury Oswald in the public eye, and possibly to set him up as a patsy.

In ensuing years, the major media has endorsed fairy tales to explain all of this away, such as 'the jet effect'. This states that a shot from the back of the victim of this horrible crime could be blown in the opposite direction that the deadly missile was supposedly shot from. Common sense and physics were stretched here like taffy, yet the media went along as tranquilized sheep. Documentaries have shown that gelatin mock-ups of the slain president could reproduce the path of the 'magic bullet'. The untold caveat here is that at autopsy, this shot only went into the wound approximately a knuckle's length deep into JFK's back. Thus, we are left with a fourth estate that has been complicit in ignoring the facts in this murder. Works such as those by Joan Mellen have done admirably swimming upstream against a hard current to unveil the truth, and deconstruct this maze offering otherwise obfuscated facts in this conspiracy.

It is interesting to note that before Bill O'Reilly 'flipped' in his belief that JFK was murdered in a conspiracy, he reported on Inside Edition that no less than “nine agents” were placed inside of Garrison's investigation team to provide him with false leads, and “report back to Langley” on his investigation. O'Reilly was later caught lying outright about having been at the location of George de Mohrenschildt's 'suicide', stating that he heard the very gunshot that killed him. O'Reilly's lie helped to obfuscate the need to look into a possible murder, as de Mohrenschildt was about to be interviewed by Chief Investigator Gaeton Fonzi of the House Select Committee on Assassinations. George de Mohrenschildt was Oswald's handler in Dallas, leading up to the president's murder, and his testimony was now silenced forever from being taken in this forum.

On October 11th, 1963,President Kennedy signed National Security Memorandum #263, which would bring all 1,000 troops home from Vietnam by the end of 1965. On November 2nd, 1963, South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Dhu were murdered in a coup, and removed from power. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty helped to draft this memorandum, and later stated in a letter to Jim Garrison dated March 6th, 1990 that this memorandum “cost him (JFK) his life.” Those in power over what was to come in Vietnam were dying violent deaths in close proximity, leading to an extreme change in policy to move into the void left by these leaders.

Joan Mellen does not allow sentimentality to invade her evaluations of the people and events at hand, and there is no 'hero worship' afoot. Author Mellen states that JFK got in the way of this lucrative war machine, and he was murdered for it. Mellen believes that Robert Kennedy was blackmailed from seeking the murderers of his brother, as a result of the plots that were waged to remove Fidel Castro from power in Cuba. In this sordid tale, Jim Garrison comes across as an idealistic public servant who sacrificed a great deal to attempt to find the truth, and bring about justice in the murder of the 35th president of the United States of America against tremendous pressure. Joan Mellen answered some questions for us in regards to these matters, including her discovery of a document proving that Clay Shaw was a contract agent of the CIA. Shaw had very specific assignments for the Agency, as they have now released reports of trips throughout Latin America that Shaw took on the Agency's behalf performing specific tasks for them. These reports are available at the National Archives. This material is an example of information, much of which was hidden before, that was unavailable to Jim Garrison while he conducted his investigation.

Jim Garrison was accused by Counsel and Staff Director of the HSCA, G. Robert Blakey of ignoring the Mafia in the investigation the way Blakey ignored the Agency. When Jim Garrison had first taken office, he closed down several French Quarter bars owned and operated by the Mafia. Mafia chieftain Carlos Marcello operated mostly in Jefferson Parish, but when his rackets spilled over into Orleans Parish, Garrison's staff prosecuted them. Blakey has since looked foolish in events that have come to light regarding CIA agent George Joannides controlling information that the HSCA was allowed to be privy to during the investigation. Now we'll get Joan's inside view as she participates in this interview with me. Even if you've investigated and/or researched the JFK Assassination you may be surprised at some of her answers to my questions.


Joan and Jim Garrison

Bob Wilson: Who was Clay Shaw?

Joan Mellen: A highly paid contract source of the CIA. Jim Garrison never saw the documentation that has been released proving this.

Bob Wilson: What was the International Trade Mart that Clay Shaw was affiliated with?

Joan Mellen: Clay Shaw was the director of the Trade Mart. Through the Trade Mart, the agency would make contact with businessmen from all over the globe. It was a front organization that would act as a cover for the agency, acting on behalf of American business interests.

Bob Wilson: What services did Clay Shaw provide though the Trade Mart?

Joan Mellen: Shaw was involved politically. He had very specific assignments which included writing reports.

Bob Wilson: What was Paese Sera, and Permindex/Centro Mondiale Comerciale?

Joan Mellen: This was an international trade mart in Italy that did no trades. It was staffed by in part by some former Nazis. It's board of directors included Clay Shaw, and Ferenc Nagy. Ferenc Nagy was reportedly the president of Permindex, and the former Prime Minister of Hungary. Nagy invited Shaw to Italy, but Shaw never took him up on the invitation.

Paese Sera was a newspaper that reported on the workings of Permindex, and their intelligence connections. My husband alerted Jim Garrison to there reports on this during his investigation of Clay Shaw.

Bob Wilson: Digressing a bit, can I ask about Kerry Thornley? I've looked into him, and was wondering what your thoughts were concerning him.

Joan Mellen: Barbara Reid and others placed him with Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans. Thornley also was seen with Marina Oswald. At best, Thornley was a flake, and he was more likely pretending to be a flake. Thornley was the only former Marines who served with Oswald who painted him as being an oddball, and a Marxist before the Warren Commission.

In A Farewell to Justice, you can see that Thornley's father was interviewed by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department on November 26th, 1963. The father told them that Kerry had numerous letters from Oswald, some of which were of recent date.

Bob Wilson: You also reported that Thornley was a CIA employee who attended Chemical and Biological Warfare School in A Farewell to Justice? (see: page 276).

Joan Mellen: Yes, you can read about that in the book. It was a document in files from the Department of Defense.

Bob Wilson: By the time the House Select Committee on Assassinations concluded it's work, how would you summarize their efforts?

Joan Mellen: It was under the control of G. Robert Blakey. Initially, Richard Sprague and Robert Tannenbaum were conducting an honest investigation, but Blakey took over and controlled it. Blakey wanted to blame the Mafia, and that was a disgrace. In 2014, Blakey was declaring that the Mafia was behind the assassination. Blakey had only changed his mind as to whom in the Mafia was responsible. Now he exonerated Santos Trafficante, and blamed instead Carlos Marcello. This was an obvious swipe at Jim Garrison. Blakey's crew had blamed Jim Garrison of turning a blind eye to crimes in Louisiana.

Bob Wilson: Can you explain Walter Sheridan's role in coming against Jim Garrison's investigation?

Joan Mellen: He was sent by Bobby Kennedy to New Orleans. Sheridan sought to destroy Garrison's investigation for Bobby Kennedy. Bobby Kennedy could not allow the plots against Castro to come out. Initially, RFK asked John McCone if one of his guys (CIA agents) did it. That should tell you something.

Bobby Kennedy's people came across Oswald during the summer of 1963 and reported this to RFK. But Bobby had said that since the FBI had no knowledge of Oswald, they did not have to worry about him as a threat to the President.

Bob Wilson: Can you tell us a bit about what Jim Garrison was like, as you came to know him?

Joan Mellen: Money was of no interest to Jim Garrison whatsoever. Friends advised him to invest the money that he received from the film JFK into an interest bearing account, and he ignored them. His children had to pay their own college tuition. He died fairly young, as he was worn out. The slander was so tiresome and ruthless.

Jim Garrison was an idealist, and at heart a writer. It wasn't important to Garrison to note he was even District Attorney. He was very humble. He was at the Dachau concentration camp the day after it's liberation with the Air Force. This experience left him very much opposed to fascism, having seen the results firsthand. As to what Jim Garrison sacrificed, polls indicated that he led among candidates for governor of Louisiana. Later, he was defeated in his final bid as district attorney after years of strugling to investigate the Kennedy assassination.

Bob Wilson: What can we look forward to from your work in the future?

Joan Mellen: My next book should be on Lyndon Johnson, and Mac Wallace.

Bob Wilson: We will be sure look for that. Thank you so much for your time, and for all of your excellent research.

For a deeper understanding of the events in the assassination of JFK, it is highly recommended that readers delve further into Professor Mellen's works. With fine documentation, insight, and personal experience, her written works are essential in piecing together what led to the murder of the 35th president of the United States of America.

Photo courtesy of Joan Mellen

"Whatever their explicit objectives were, they accomplished them. But I would have to reply on the other hand. The Agency when it was all over; they knew they'd been danced with." Jim Garrison


NAME: Joan Mellen

TITLE OF PRESENT POSITION: Professor, Temple University, Department of English and Creative Writing

Address: Post Office Box 359

Pennington, New Jersey 08534

Phone: 609-737-1950

Cell: 609-306-5951

Email: joanmellen@aol.com

At Temple University:

Anderson Hall, Department of English, 10th floor

Philadelphia, Pa. 19122

Phone: 215-204-1802


Hunter College, B.A. 1962

The City University of New York, M.A., 1964; Ph.D., 1968.



A Film Guide to The Battle of Algiers.” Indiana University Press: Bloomington, 1973.

Marilyn Monroe.” Pyramid Publications: New York, 1973. Also published in Italian, Dutch and Portuguese.

Women And Their Sexuality In The New Film.” Horizon Pres: New York, 1973. British edition: Davis Poynter. Dell paperback edition, 1975. Italian edition: “Donne e sessuality nel cinema doggi.” La Salamandra: Il Vaso di Pandora: Milan, 1978.

Voices From The Japanese Cinema.” Liveright: New York, 1975.

The Waves At Genji’s Door: Japan Through Its Cinema.” Pantheon: New York, 1976.

Big Bad Wolves: Masculinity In The American Film.” Pantheon: New York, 1977.

Ed. “The World of Luis Bunuel: Essays In Criticism.” Oxford University Press: New York, 1978.

Natural Tendencies: A Novel”: The Dial Press: New York, 1981.

Privilege: The Enigma of Sasha Bruce.” The Dial Press: New York, 1982. New American Library Paperback Edition, 1983.

Bob Knight: His Own Man.” Donald I. Fine: Inc.: New York 1988. Avon paperback edition, 1989 with 75 page update, “Indiana Basketball Redux,” a journey through the 1988-1989 season with the Big Ten winners.

Kay Boyle: Author of Herself.” Farrar, Straus and Giroux: New York, 1994.

Hellman and Hammett: The Legendary Passion of Lillian Hellman and Dashiell Hammett.” HarperCollins Publishers: New York, 1996.

Literary Masters: “Gabriel Garcia Marquez.” A Manly, Inc. Book: The Gale Group: Detroit, 1999.

Literary Masterpieces: “One Hundred Years Of Solitude.” A Manly, Inc. Book: The Gale Group: Detroit, 2000.

Literary Topics: “Magic Realism.” A Manly, Inc. Book: The Gale Group: Detroit, 2000.

Seven Samurai.” British Film Institute/University of California Press: London and Berkeley, 2002. Foreign rights sold to China and Turkey. Translated into Mandarin, 2012; Translated into Turkish, Alfa Publishing Group, Ticarethane Sk. No. 53 34410, Caalolu, Istanbul. 2013.

In The Realm of the Senses.” British Film Institute/University of California Press: London and Berkeley, 2004.

A Farewell to Justice: Jim, Garrison, JFK’s Assassination and The Case That Should Have Changed History.” Potomac Books, Inc.: Dulles, Virginia, 2005.

Modern Times.” British Film Institute/University of California Press. London and Berkeley, 2006.

Jim Garrison: His Life And Times, The Early Years.” JFK Lancer Publications: Dallas. March, 2008.

Our Man In Haiti: George de Mohrenschildt & CIA In The Nightmare Republic.” Trine Day: Waltersville, Oregon. 2012.

The Great Game In Cuba” How The CIA Sabotaged Its Own Plot To Unseat Fidel Castro.” New York: Skyhorse Publishing. 2013.

A Farewell To Justice,” revised and updated with ninety pages of new material. Skyhorse Publishing. 2013.


Female Sexuality In Films,” in Film and Gender ed. Sue Thornham and Niall Richardson. Routledge (Oxford: United Kingdom). 2013.

The Phantom of Liberty: Further Investigations Into the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie,” in “European Cinema: The Defining Figures, Movements, Films,” ed. Zhenya Kiperman (University Readers: 2012). Reprinted from “The World Of Luis Bunuel: Essays In Criticism,” Oxford University Press: New York, 1978.


The Epic Cinema of Kurosawa,” in “Japan and the Japanese.” Japan Publications, Inc.: Tokyo and San Francisco, 1973.

The Rocking-Horse Winner As Cinema,” in “From Fiction To Film: The Rocking-Horse Winner,” ed. Gerald R. Barrett and Thomas L. Erskine. Dickenson Publishing Company, Inc.: Encino and Belmont, California, 1974.

Cries and Whispers: Bergman and Women,” in “Ingmar Bergman: Essays In Criticism,” ed. Stuart M. Kaminsky. Oxford University Press: New York, 1975.

Film and Style: The Fictional Documentary,” in “Latin American Cinema: Film and History,” ed. E. Bradford Burns. UCLA Latin American Center, 1975.

An Overview of Bunuel’s Career,” and “The Phantom of Liberty: Further Investigations Into The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie,” in “The World of Luis Bunuel.”

Humphrey Bogart: Moral Tough Guy,” in “Close-Ups: The Movie Star Book,” ed. Danny Peary. Workman Publishing Company: New York, 1978.

Dodes’ka-den” and “Dersu Uzala,” and revisions to “Method, Technique and Style,” in “The Films of Akira Kurosawa” by Donald Richie. Kinema Jumpo-Sha: Tokyo, 1979 and The University of California Press: Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1984.

Welcoming The Future,” introduction to “Screen Flights, Screen Fantasies,” ed. Danny Peary. Doubleday: New York, 1984.

College Basketball: Working On The Chaney Gang,” in “The Sporting News: Best Sports Stories, 1988,” The Sporting News Publishing Company: St. Louis, 1988.

Jim Bouton,” in “Cult Baseball Players: The Greats, The Flakes, the Weird and The Wonderful (Famous writers and celebrities profile their all-time favorite baseball stars), ed. Danny Peary. Fireside: Simon and Schuster: New York, 1990.

Film Noir,” “Marriage in the Movies,” and “The Western,” in “A Political Companion to Film,” ed. Gary Crowdus. Lakeview Press: Chicago, 1994.

Confessions of an ex-Biographer,” in “Biography and Source Studies,” ed. Frederick R. Karl. AMS Press: New York, 1997. pp. 151-163.

Being Japanese: The Cinema of Japan,” in “Encyclopedia of Modern Asia,” ed. David Levinson and Karen Christensen. Charles Scribner’s Sons: New York, 2002. Vo. 2, pp. 90-93.

History Through Cinema: Mizoguchi Kenji’s ‘Life of O-Haru’ (1952),” in “Japanese Cinema: Texts and Contexts,” ed. Alastair Phillips and Julian Stringer. Routledge: London and New York, 2008. pp. 90-101.

A Family In Crisis: Ozu’s ‘Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family’ and ‘Tokyo Story,’” British Film Institute. June 2010. For the Ozu Collection.


Seiteki Nippon,” in “Shincho-sha: Shosetsu Shincho Special.” Tokyo, Spring 1981. Part of the novel, “Natural Tendencies.” Also anthologized in “The Good Parts: Great Scenes of Love, Sex and Seduction from Masters of Modern Fiction.” Berkeley: New York, 2000.

The Mae West Nobody Knows,” in “Film Theory and Criticism,” ed. Gerald Mast and Marshall Cohen. Oxford University Press: New York, 1985. Reprinted, 1993 and 1994.

A Conversation With Bernardo Bertolucci,” in “Bernardo Bertolucci Interviews, ed. Fabien S. Gerard, T. Jefferson Kline, and Bruce Sklarew. University Press of Mississippi: Jackson, 2000. pp. 70-77.

Chapter from “Natural Tendencies,” in “The Good Parts: Great Scenes of Love, Sex and Seduction From The Masters Of Modern Fiction.” Berkeley: New York, 2000.

Interview with Kon Ichikawa,” in “Kon Ichikawa,” ed. James Quandt. Cinematheque Ontario Monographs. 2001.

Interview with Akira Kurosawa,” in “Akira Kurosawa Interviews,” ed. Bert Cardullo. University Press of Mississippi: Jackson, 2008. pp. 55-66.

Spiraling Downward: America in “Days of Heaven,” “In The Valley of Elah,” and “No Country For Old Men,” from “Film Quarterly, v. 61, n. 3 (Spring 2008), 24-31, in “Contemporary Literary Criticism,” ed. Jeff Hunter, Vol. 267 (CLC-267), April 2009. Gale Publishing.


Joseph K. And The Law,” “Texas Studies In Language and Literature.

Summer 1970.

Susan Sontag: Critic cum Filmmaker,” “New Politics,” Vol. IX. No. 1. Spring 1970.

The Aging of Saul Bellow and John Updike,” “New Politics,” Vol. VIII, No. 3. Fall 1970.

Ice,” “Cineaste,” Vol. IV, No. 2. Fall 1970.

Tristana,” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXIV, No. 2. Winter 1970-71.

Vladimir and Rosa,” “Cineaste,” Vol. IV, No. 3. Winter 1970-71.

The Politics of Individualism: Norman Mailer,” “International Socialist Review,” January 1971.

William Styron: The Absence of Social Definition,” “Novel: A Forum on Fiction.” Winter, 1971.

Arthur London and Costa-Gavras: The Politics of ‘The Confession,’” “Cineaste. Winter 1971.

America Is Hard To See,” Cineaste,” Vol. IV, No. 4. Spring 1971.

Fascism In The Contemporary Film,” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXIV, No. 4. Summer 1971.

Alexandra Kollontai: From Revolutionary Feminism to Accommodation,” “New Politics,” Vol. IX, No. 3. Fall 1971.

Death In Venice,” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXV, No. 1. Fall 1971.

The Moral Psychology of Rohmer’s Tales,” “Cinema,” Vol. 7, No. 1. Fall 1971.

WR: Mysteries of the Organism,” “Cineaste, Vol. VI, No. 1. Winter 1971-72.

Sacco and Vanzetti and Joe Hill,” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXV, No. 3. Spring 1972.

Four Nights of a Dreamer,” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXV, No. 3. Spring 1972.

Hollywood’s Political Cinema,” “Cineaste,” Vol. V, No. 2. Spring 1972.

Dodes’ka-den: A Renewal,” “Cinema,” Vol. 7, No. 2. Spring 1972.

Lesbianism in the Movies,” “Sexual Behavior,” Vol. 2, No. 5. May 1972.

The Epic Cinema of Kurosawa,” “Take One,” Vol. 3, No. 4. March-April 1971. Also in “Mainichi Daily News,” in English and Japanese, Part One, July 12, 1972; Part Two, July 13, 1972; Part Three, July 14, 1972. Reissued in 1995: “The Epic Cinema of Kurosawa,” from “Take One,” V. 3, March-April 1971, pp. 16-19, on “Discover Authors Series, ed. Janet Witalec (DA Module – DA-M), CD-ROM, Fall 1995. Released by Gale Research Inc.

Editorial in “Mainichi Daily News,” August 31, 1972.

Ombre Rosse: Developing A Radical Critique of The Cinema In Italy – Goffredo Fofi Interviewed by Joan Mellen,” “Cineaste,” Vol. V, No. 3. Summer 1972.

An Interview with Gillo Pontecorvo,” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXVI, No. 1. Fall 1972.

Female Sexuality In Films,” “Sexual Behavior,” Vol. 2, No. 11. November 1972.

What Mae West Really Meant Was….,” “Ms.”, November 1972.

The Film Today: Towards A Socially Conscious Cinema,” “Arts In Society: The Social Uses Of Art,” Vol. 9, No. 3. Fall-Winter 1972.

A Reassessment of Gillo Pontecorvo’s ‘Burn!,’” “Cinema,” Vol. 7, No. 3. Winter 1972-73.

Outfoxing Lawrence: Novella Into Film,” “Literature/Film Quarterly,” Vol. 1, No. 1. January 1973.

A Conversation with Bernardo Bertolucci,” “Cineaste,” Vol. V, No. 4. Spring 1973. Reprinted as “Bertolucci: ‘I Am Not A Moralist,’” “The Cineaste Interviews: On The Art and Politics of the Cinema,” ed. Dan Georgakas and Lenny Rubenstein. Lake View Press: Chicago, 1983.

Film and Style: The Fiction Documentary,” “Antioch Review.” Spring 1973.

The Films of Masahiro Shinoda,” “The Museum of Modern Art Department of Film.” April 26, 1973.

Sexual Politics and ‘Last Tango In Paris,’” “Film Quarterly,” Vol. XXVI, No. 3. Spring 1973.

An Interview with Elio Petri,” “Cineaste,” Fall 1973. Reprinted as “Elio Petri: Cinema Is Not For An Elite, But For The Masses in “The Cineaste Interviews.”

Bergman and Women,” “Film Quarterly,” Fall 1973.

Executive Action: The Politics of Distortion,” “Cineaste,” Fall 1974.

Politically Adrift: Swept away By An Unusual Destiny In The Blue Sea Of August,” “Seven Days,” October 6, 1975.

The Husbandless Patriarchy: Men and Women In The Japanese Film,” PHP (Tokyo). November 1975.

On Lina Wertmuller,” “Society” (Rutgers University). January –February 1977.

The Cinematic Search For The Japanese Spirit,” “The New York Times,” Sunday, April 10, 1977.

Is ‘Senses’ In The Realm of Pornography?” “The New York Times,” Sunday, July 31, 1977.

Sachiko Hidari: Japan’s Only Woman Director,” “The New York Times,” Sunday, February 12, 1978.

Big Bad Wolves In The Movies: Why Macho Still Rules,” “Cosmopolitan (London),” March 1978.

Hollywood Rediscovers The American Woman,” “The New York Times,” Sunday April 23, 1978.

Broken Idols,” “Sunday Mirror (London),” May 28, 1978.

Satyajit Ray Treats History As A Multi-Level Chess Game,” “The New York Times,” Sunday, June 4, 1978. Reprinted in “The San Francisco Chronicle,” June 11, 1978.

Post-War Japan On Film – The Dark Side Of Affluence,” “The New York Times,” Sunday, April 22, 1979.

The Return of Women To Seventies Films,” “Quarterly Review of Film Studies,” Fall 1978.

On Kurosawa’s ‘Throne of Blood,’” “The Literary Review (Fairleigh Dickinson College),” Vol. 22, No. 4. Summer 1979.

Japanese Film’s Truest Creator” (on Kenji Mizoguchi), “The New York Times,” Sunday, May 17, 1981.

Sasha Bruce: Who Pulled The Trigger?” “The Washingtonian,” September 1982, pp. 153-162, 204-219.

Sasha Bruce: Harrowing Tale Of A Poor Little Rich Girl,” “Cosmopolitan,” October 1982, pp. 258-61, 284-85.

Frances – Hollywood Resurrects The Rebel It Destroyed,” “Ms.,” February 1983.

Heat and Dust,” “Ms.,” September 1983.

Tea and Toyotas,” “The Nation,” November 10, 1984, pp. 488-490.

Entries in “The Encyclopedia of Japan: “Imai Tadashi,” “Shindo Kaneto,” Mahu no ankoku,” and “Hidari Sachiko.” Published by Kodansha Publishers and Harvard University.

An Historic Inn In Pennsylvania,” “The New York Times,” Sunday, September 15, 1985.

At Indiana, a week in Knight’s Classroom,” “The New York Times,” Sunday, November 15, 1987.

Workin’ On The Chaney Gang,” “Philadelphia magazine,” December 1987, pp. 101-109.

Remembering Irving Howe,” “Thesis” (The City University of New York), Vol. 8, No. 1. Spring 1994.

Biography: Victimized by Personal Agendas,” “The Baltimore Sun,” “Perspective,” February 12, 1995, pp. 1F, 4F.

The Practice of Biography VIII: An Interview with Joan Mellen,” “Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook,” 1994, ed. James W. Hipp. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book: Gale Research Inc: Detroit and London, May 1995, pp. 224-235.

Bone of Contention,” (profile of novelist Russell Banks),” “Seven Arts,” (Philadelphia), Vol. 3, No. 7. July 1995. pp. 33-36.

A Glimpse Into The Mysteries of Success and Failure,” “The Baltimore Sun,” August 20, 1995, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F. (“Publishers’ Weekly” and its role in the book industry).

Demeaning Popular Culture: The Crime of the Non-Book,” “The Baltimore Sun,” “Perspective,” September 17, 1995, pp. 1E, 4E. (When is a book not a book).

Smashing Revealed Wisdoms, Left and Right,” (Profile of Judge Richard A. Posner), “The Baltimore Sun,” December 3, 1995, “Perspective,” pp. 1J, 4J.

The Novel Is Decaying Into News Of Narcissism,” “The Baltimore Sun,” May 12, 1996, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

The Modern Memoir Squabble: Moral Values Matter,” “The Baltimore Sun,” August 25, 1996, “Perspective,” May 12, 1996, pp. 1F, 4F.

A Biographer Declares – The End of Biography,” “The Baltimore Sun,” September 15, 1996, “Perspective,” pp. 1E, 4E.

Academic Literary Theory Is Killing Literature,” “The Baltimore Sun,” December 1, 1996, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

Can Film Do Justice To Fine Novels? Not Profitably!” “The Baltimore Sun,” December 15, 1996, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

The Short Story Rises From The Ashes Of Disrespect,” “The Baltimore Sun,” March 9, 1997, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

In American Publishing, The Banal Drives Out The Good,” “The Baltimore Sun,” May 18, 1997, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

Dorothea Straus: Memoirs Not Confessions,” “U.S.1 magazine,” June 25, 1997. p. 44. Biographical profile.

Never Mind The Bookishness, Rosie’s Is Trash TV,” “The Baltimore Sun,” June 22, 1997, “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

How Illiterate Is University Education?” “The Baltimore Sun,” August 3, 1997. “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F. Reprinted on the Web site of Center For Education Reform, Washington, D.C.

Jackie Robinson Plus 50,” “U.S. 1 magazine,” September 17, 1997, pp. 20-21. A biographical profile of Arnold Rampersad.

Endless Biographies Are Justified – If They Innovate,” “The Baltimore Sun,” November 30, 1997. “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

For 1998: 12 Categories of Books To Shun,” “The Baltimore Sun,” December 28, 1997. “Perspective,” pp. 1F, 4F.

Barbados Retreat, English Country Style,” “The New York Times” (Travel Section), Sunday, January 11, 1998, pp. 10, 12.

Maynard on Salinger: Youth Was Not Innocence,” “The Baltimore Sun,” September 20, 1998, “Perspective,” p. 12F.

Narrowness Is Strangling Today’s American Fiction,” “The Baltimore Sun,” February 21 1999. “Perspective,” p. 11F.

Curing Biography Bloat: Follow Seven Simple Rules,” “The Baltimore Sun,” April 11, 1999. “Perspective,” p. 11F.

Chinatown Without Bounds,” “The New York Times” (Travel Section), April 25, 1999, pp. 10, 28.

Hellman/Hammett,” “Thirteen,” June 1999, Vol. 7, Issue 6. pp. 1-2.

Hemingway Reaches 100, dominating a U.S. Century,” “The Baltimore Sun,” July 18, 1999. “Perspective,” p. 13F.

Trivialization and laziness victimize magic realism,” “The Baltimore Sun,” August 29, 1999. “Perspective,” p. 12F.

Knight In A Different Light,” “National Post” (Canada), May 17, 2000.

Marxism Retains Validity; Its Obituary Is Premature,” “The Baltimore Sun,” July 23, 2000. “Perspective,” p. F10.

James ‘Golden Bowl’: Movies Are Not Literature,” “The Baltimore Sun,” May 6, 2001. “Perspective,” p. 9F.

Insiders View of Louisiana Must Come From Outside,” “The Baltimore Sun,” September 16, 2001. “Perspective,” p. 10F.

John Steinbeck at 100: Still a Vital Force For Truth,” “The Baltimore Sun,” February 24, 2002. “Perspective,” p. 12E.

The Vietnam War Revisited: The Verdict Remains ‘Guilty.’” “The Baltimore Sun,” May 4, 2003. “Perspective,” p. 12F.

J. M. Coetzee Exemplifies The Magnificence of Despair,” “The Baltimore Sun,” October 26, 2003. “Perspective,” p. 12F.

Sentimentality, Which Cloaks Truth, Should Be Mopped Up,” “The Baltimore Sun,” August 29, 2004. “Perspective,” p. 10E.

The Argument: Time Pieces,” “The Baltimore Sun,” January 30, 2005. “Perspective,” p. 8E.

Kobayashi’s ‘Hara Kiri,’” for Criterion Collection. April 2005.

Kurosawa’s ‘Scandal’ And The Post-War Moment,” for Masters of Video DVD collection, April 2005.

Shinoda’s ‘Assassination,’” for Masters of Video, April 2005.

Keisuke Kinoshita and ‘Twenty-Four Eyes,’” for Masters of Video, April 2005.

The Story – And Nothing But The Story,” (John Irving, modernism and post-modernism). “The Baltimore Sun,” July 17, 2005. “Perspective,” p. 9F.

9/11 and 11/22,” Op Ed for “The Key West Citizen,” Solares Hill Section. September 2, 2005. p. 4. Available also on www.joanmellen.net.

How The Failure to Identify, Prosecute and Convict President Kennedy’s Assassins Has Led To Today’s Crisis of Democracy,” “Hell’s Canyon Journal,” Volume 24, Number 12. March 22, 2006. Halfway, Oregon, pp. 8-9.

The Real Meaning of Freedom,” in “A Man Vanishes: The Legacy of Shohei Imamura.” Freer and Sackler Galleries: Washington, D.C. October 2007. pp. 5-10.

A Cast of Characters: The Assassination of President Kennedy.” “Paranoia” magazine. Issue 46, Winter 2008. pp. 20-25.

A Vanished America: Treasures III: Social Issues In American Film, 1900-1934.” “Film Quarterly.” Winter 2007-08. Volume 61, Number 2. pp. 10-17.

Spiraling Downward: America In “Days Of Heaven,” “In The Valley of Elah,” and “No Country For Old Men.” “Film Quarterly.” Spring 2008. Volume 61. Number 3. pp. 24-31.

R is for Ruthless: Robert F. Kennedy and Otto Otepka,” “HunterGatheress Journal,” Volume 1, March 2008. pp. 88-97.

Late Ozu, Late Naruse,” “Film Quarterly” Summer 2008. Volume 61. Number 4. pp. 24-32.


Lectures In Connection With The 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy:

October 18, 2013: “Clay Shaw Unmasked: The Garrison Case Corroborated” at “Passing The Torch”: An International Symposium On The 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, The Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law, Duquesne University.

November 2, 2013: lecture “JFK and Its Historical Significance,” conference, “The Films of Oliver Stone,” Rider University.

November 23, 2013: “On The Nature of Evidence and the Kennedy Assassination,” JFK Lancer Conference, Dallas, Texas.

November 23, 2013: “The Politics of CIA,” Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA) Conference. Dallas, Texas.

January 30, 2014: “The Last Word On The Kennedy Assassination,” University of Nevada at Las Vegas with John Barbour, Jim Marrs and Dick Russell.

March 28, 2014: Panel at the Louisiana Historical Association: The Garrison Case and the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination. Hammond, Louisiana.

April 27th and 28th: Canterbury, England, two lectures before “Dealey Plaza: UK”: “CIA and the Kennedy Assassination” and “Mac Wallace and Lyndon Johnson.”


Hellman and Hammett”. Cumberland County Public Library, North Regional Branch Library, Fayetteville, North Carolina. March 5, 2009. Part of program, The Big Read: “The Maltese Falcon.”

Making Sense of the Sixties: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald?” Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 5, 2008. Also at Lawrenceville School, October 13, 2008.

The World Is Cruel When It’s Changing; Edo, Imamura, and Eijanaika,” Freer and Sackler Galleries, Washington, D.C. December 9, 2007.

Writing about the Kennedy Assassination”: “Getting History Right” and “Fiction to Non-Fiction: You Can Do It All.” Wilmington College (Delaware) Writers’ Conference. April 14, 2007.

The Kennedy Assassination and The Present Political Moment,” 92nd Street Y, New York City, January 28, 2007.

Hybrid Biography,” The Biography Seminar: New York University, November 14, 2006.

The Kennedy Assassination,” Jewish Association For Services For The Aged,” JASA Council Senior Center, Institute of Judaic Studies, New York City. November 5, 2006.

A Farewell To Justice,” Noontime lectures. The 92nd Street Y. New York City, West Side Branch. May 24, 2006.

The Clay Shaw Trial: The Louisiana Suspects and History.” Seminar at the Wheeling Academy of Law and Science (West Virginia). Seminar in “Lingering Legal Issues In the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.” May 19, 2006.

A Farewell to Justice,” Philadelphia Community College, March 2, 2006.

A Farewell to Justice,” Princeton Public Library, Princeton, New Jersey, January 30, 2006.

How The Failure To Identify, Prosecute And Convict President Kennedy’s Assassins Has Led To Today’s Crisis of Democracy.” Ethical Culture Society, New York City. January 24, 2006. Broadcast on CSPAN-Book TV.

Book Chat,” Upper Merion Township Library, Pennsylvania, January 4, 2006.

The Garrison Case,” St. Francisville, Louisiana Town Hall, sponsored by West Feliciana Parish Library. December 9, 2005.

East Feliciana Parish and the Garrison Investigation,” Clinton Courthouse, Clinton, Louisiana,” sponsored by Audubon Regional Library. December 8, 2005.

The Kennedy Assassination and Louisiana,” Zachary Branch Library of East Baton Rouge Parish Library System, Zachary, Louisiana. December 4, 2005.

A Farewell to Justice,” Enoch Pratt Library, Baltimore, Maryland. November 29, 2005.

A Farewell to Justice,” Free Library, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 28, 2005.

A Farewell to Justice and Jim Garrison,” Coalition on Political Assassinations Conference, Dallas, Texas, November 20, 2005.

Demythologizing Jim Garrison,” JFK Lancer conference on the Kennedy assassination. Dallas, Texas, November 19, 2005.

Cracking The JFK Case,” Conference sponsored by Assassination Archives Research Center, Washington, D. C. Bethesda, Maryland, November 18, 2005.

James Madison Author’s Luncheon,” Krieger & Zaid law firm, 1920 N Street, NW. Washington, D.C. November 17, 2005.

A Farewell to Justice,” The National Archives, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW. Washington, D.C. November 16, 2005.

Lillian Hellman and ‘The Autumn Garden,’” George Bernard Shaw Festival, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada. August 12, 2005.

JFK Assassination: The Great American Mystery,” Beaumont-Troy Medical Staff Educational Symposium.” June 24-26, 2004. Keynote Address. Thompsonville, Michigan.

The Ethical Responsibility of the Writer,” Interdisciplinary Panel on Philosophy and Literature,” Temple University Society of Fellows in the Humanities.” April 16, 2004.

Jim Garrison Vindicated: The Post-Investigation Evidence.” Featured speaker at “Solving The Great American Murder Mystery: A National Symposium On The 40th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination. Duquesne University School of Law. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. November 22, 2003.

Kay Boyle,” lecture at the Philadelphia Art Alliance,” October 20, 1999.

Perfect Words: A Writers’ Conference; “Words & Music: A Literary Feast in New Orleans.” Panel Discussions: September 23, 1998: “We Just Love Celebrities & Confession Is Good for The Soul,” and September 26, 1998, “Don’t Let The Facts Stand In The Way Of A Good Story: The Non-fiction Author’s Integrity and Responsibility to the reader in the face of demands for a good storyline, regardless of the facts.” Sponsored by the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Lillian Hellman and ‘The Little Foxes,’” Lecture at Cincinnati Playhouse In The Park,” Cincinnati, Ohio. April 19, 1998.

Lillian Hellman,” lecture at the Philadelphia Art Alliance,” November 10, 1997.

Lillian Hellman and ‘The Children’s Hour,’” Lecture at the George Bernard Shaw festival. Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario, Canada. July 19, 1997.

Navigating The Publishing World,” Philadelphia Writers’ Conference Keynote Address. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. June 7, 1997.

Hellman and Hammett,” The National Arts Club, New York City. June 18, 1996.

The End of Biography,” New York University Biography Seminar, April 24, 1996.

Hellman and Hammett,” Harbourfront Festival of Authors, Toronto, Canada, October 1996.

Invited commentator: conference on Judicial Biography, New York University School of Law, May 5-6, 1995.

Kay Boyle: Author Of Herself,” Friends of Morris Library Annual Meeting, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Illinois. April 23, 1995.

Kay Boyle: Author of Herself,” Friends of the Library Center,” Doylestown, Pa. April 25, 1995.

Celluloid Visions: The Future on Film,” lecture at conference on “Framing The Future.” Philadelphia College of Textiles & Science, November 2, 1994.

Kay Boyle: Author of Herself,” Harbourfront Reading Series, International Festival of Authors, Toronto, Canada, October 18, 1994.

Documenting The Blacklist,” Symposium at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts,” New York City. April 30, 1994.

The Cinema of Nagisa Oshima,” The University of Pennsylvania, Asian Studies Department, November 11, 1992.

Kay Boyle: A Biography In Progress,” New York University Biography Seminar, January 30, 1991.

Violence and Sexuality In Film,” Drexel University, January 18, 1989.

Book Proposals That Sell,” Writers Helping Writers: A Conference,” Philadelphia Writers Organization, May 21, 1988.

The Development of Male/Female Relationships In American Movies,” The Philadelphia Weekend Film Festival, March 8, 1987.

The Expanding Boundaries of Nonfiction Writing,” Philadelphia Writers’ Organization and Pennsylvania Humanities Council, October 5, 1985.

Jewish Women in the Cinema,” Moderator. The 92nd Street Y. New York City. September 10-12th, 1984.

Eroticism in Japanese film,” The Playboy Network. Fall 1983.

Women In Love: Jeanne Moreau’s ‘Lumiere,’” International Film Festival of the Center for International Studies, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. February 9, 1983.

It’s My Turn To Be Sensitive: Images of Men and Women In Recent American Films,” Rhode Island College, April 1982.

It’s My Turn To Be Sensitive: Images of Men and Women In Recent American Films,” University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, October 22, 1981.

On Japanese Cinema,” California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles. March 1979 and March 1980.

Images of Women In Film,” Washington University, St. Louis. Winter 1979.

Los Weber: Women in the Arts in the Twenties: Paris and the United States.” Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. April 1979.

The Ceremony by Nagisa Oshima,” Film Watch Series, Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa, California, April 15, 1978.

Shakespeare Among The Nations: Kurosawa’s ‘Throne of Blood’ and Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth,’” Fairleigh Dickinson University, March 1978.

All About Men,” The Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. Winter 1978.

Masculinity In The American Film,” Annenberg School, The University of Pennsylvania, Fall 1978.

Masculinity In American Film,” History and The Popular Arts,” Eleventh Annual History Conference, Bloomsburg State College, Pennsylvania, April 21, 1978.

Masculinity In The American Film,” The National Film Theatre, London, England. April 1978.

On Japanese Film,” East Asian Studies Department, Princeton University, Spring 1978.

The Image of Women in Film,” Lynchburg College (Virginia), Fall 1977.

Film and Pornography,” Arizona State University symposium in Scottsdale, Arizona. October 1977.

1975 lectures: Oberlin College; Franklin and Marshall College; New York University School of Law; University of Florida at Gainesville; East Stroudsburg State college; Virginia Commonwealth University; Illinois Wesleyan University; American Association of University Women, Wilmington, Delaware, etc.

The Political Films of Frank Capra,” Political Humor Conference, Hofstra University, Spring 1975.

Women and Film,” Chicago Women’s Film Festival, Summer 1974.

Japan and The Japanese,” panel discussion in Kyoto, Japan on the occasion of winning the “Mainichi Shimbun” prize for essays about film director, Akira Kurosawa, August 1972.

Heroes and Heroines In The Mass Media,” Pennsylvania College Teachers’ Association, April 1971.


Mainichi Shimbun” prize, best essay from the United States on the subject of how outsiders view Japanese culture, summer 1972.

Finalist, “Los Angeles Times Biography Prize, 1996, for “Hellman and Hammett.”

Temple University Faculty Award for Creative Achievement, 1999-2000.

Great Teacher Award, lifetime achievement award from Temple University, April 2004.


University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2000.

Pennsylvania State University, 2004, 2006.

Drexel University, 2004, 1991.


McCarthy’s End Of The World.” Review of “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 1, 2006, The Arts, p. 4F.

The End of ‘the sweet dream of tolerance.’” Review of “Murder in Amsterdam: The Death of Theo Van Gogh and The Limits of Tolerance” by Ian Buruma. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 10, 2006, “The Arts,” p. 5C.

What, if anything, does ‘normal’ mean?” Review of “Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman: 25 Stories,” by Haruki Murakami. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 3, 2006. “The Arts,” p. 4F.

Poland’s little Holocaust after the Holocaust.” Review of “Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz” by Jan T. Gross. “The Baltimore Sun,” July 2, 2006. “The Arts,” p. 4F.

A wild world of high crimes and masterpieces.” Review of “Theft: A Love Story” by Peter Carey. “The Baltimore Sun,” May 28, 2006. The Arts,” p. 4F.

History of Pentagon, as told by ‘a soldier’s son,’ offers rich memoir but overlooks crucial issues.” Review of “House of War: The Pentagon and The Disastrous Rise of American Power” by James Carroll. “The Baltimore Sun,” May 7, 2006. “The Arts,” p. 5F.

Malamud’s daughter’s memoir offers too little that’s surprising, too much that’s irrelevant.” Review of “My Father Is A Book: A Memoir of Bernard Malamud” by Janna Malamud Smith. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 19, 2006. The Arts, p. 5C.

Seeking meaning in a world coming undone.” Review of “Get A Life: A Novel” by Nadine Gordimer. “The Baltimore Sun,” December 11, 2005. “The Arts,” p. 4F.

The Extraordinary Suffering of An Ordinary Man.” Review of “Slow Man” by J. M. Coetzee. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 2, 2005. “The Arts,” p. 4F.

The Coming Chaos.” Review of “Specimen Days” by Michael Cunningham. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 12, 2005. “The Arts,” p. 10F.

Mother’s Death Fuels Author’s Self-Esteem.” Review of “The Disappointment Artist” by Jonathan Lethem. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 13, 2005. “The Arts,” p. 8F.

Futuristic ‘Ecstatic’ cloaks its thin plot with shapeless doom.” Review of “Our Ecstatic Days” by Steve Erickson. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 13, 2005.

Banks Brilliant In Elegy to American Ideals.” Review of “The Darling” by Russell Banks. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 4, 2004. “The Arts,” p. 9F. Also in “Tallahassee Democrat,” “The Arizona Republic,” and other newspapers.

-Ozick’s ‘Glimmering World’ better as essay than fiction.” Review of “Heir to the Glimmering World” by Cynthia Ozick. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 5, 2004. “The Arts,” p. 9E.

Haruf’s ‘Eventide’: the rewards of decency.” Review of “Eventide” by Kent Haruf. “The Baltimore Sun,” May 30, 2004. “The Arts,” p. 11F.

“’Book of Flying’: a magical debut novel.” Review of “The Book of Flying” by Keith Miller. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 1, 2004. “The Arts,” p. 11F.

The Awaited Memoir of Garcia Marquez.” Review of “Living To Tell The Tale” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 23, 2003. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Coetzee’s ‘Costello’: Imitation of Belief.” Review of “Elizabeth Costello” by J. M. Coetzee. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 19, 2003. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Don DeLillo’s ‘Cosmopolis’ – entropy, greed.” “The Baltimore Sun,” March 30, 2003. “The Arts,” p. 12F.

The Ultimate Words of Ray Bradbury.” Review of “Let’s All Kill Constance.” “The Baltimore Sun,” December 29, 2002. “The Arts,” p. 10E.

Tim O’Brien’s Class, 30 Long Years Later.” Review of “July, July” by Tim O’Brien. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 20, 2002. “The Arts,” p. 11E.

Scott Phillips’ ‘Walkaway’: a prairie noir saga.” Review of “The Walkaway” by Scott Phillips. “The Baltimore Sun, August 4, 2002. “The Arts,” p. 10E.

Rick Bass’ ‘Hermit’: a silent plea for love.” Review of “The Hermit’s Story” by Rick Bass. “The Baltimore Sun,” July 14, 2002. “The Arts,” p. 12E.

Angelou’s ‘Song’ completes the cycle.” Review of “A Song Flung Up To Heaven” by Maya Angelou. “The Baltimore Sun,” April 7, 2002. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Ray Bradbury – a classic in his 80s.” Review of “From The Dust Returned” by Ray Bradbury. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 11, 2001. “The Arts,” p. 13E.

Vargas Llosa’s ‘Goat’ – religion, sex and fate.” Review of “The Feast of the Goat” by Mario Vargas Llosa. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 4, 2001. “The Arts,” p. 13E.

Explorations of Words and Manners.” Reviews of “Shanghai Baby” by Wei Hui; “Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress” by Dai Sijier; “My Name Is Red” by Orhan Pamuk; “After the Plague and Other Stories” by T. C. Boyle; “The Story of Jane” by Catherine Cusset; “The Anarchist” by Daniel A. Coleman. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 2, 2001. “The Arts,” p. 10F.

Abuse, connection, Nazis redux.” Reviews of “Funny Accent” by Barbara Shulgasser-Parker; “Gunman’s Rhapsody” by Robert B. Parker; “Getting A Life: Stories” by Helen Simpson; “The Year The Colored Sisters Came To Town” by Jacqueline Guidry; “The Sleep-Over Artist” by Thomas Beller; “The Hothouse” by Wolfgang Koeppen; “Down By The Water” by Caroline Upcher. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 10, 2001. “The Arts,” p. 12F.

Binchy, survival, basketball, Oates.” Reviews of “Scarlet Feather” by Maeve Binchy; “Bargains In The Real World” by Elizabeth Cox; “Big Man” by Jay Neugeboren; “Faithless: Tales of Transgression” by Joyce Carol Oates; “Border Crossing” by Pat Barker and “Loose Ends” by Neal Bowers. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 4, 2001. “The Arts,” p. 14F.

“’Death of Vishnu’: cosmic caretaking.” Review of “The Death of Vishnu” by Manil Suri. “The Baltimore Sun,” January 21, 2001. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Excellence in the cruelest month”: Reviews of “A Desert in Bohemia” by Jill Paton Walsh; “Collected Stories” by Ellen Gilchrist; “The Vintage Book of Latin American Stories”; “Authorized Personnel Only” by Barbara D’Amato; “Mall: A Novel” by Eric Bogosian; and “The Will” by Reed Arvin. “The Baltimore Sun,” December 10, 2000. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Vidal’s view of misled America.” Review of “The Golden Age” by Gore Vidal. “The Philadelphia Inquirer. October 29, 2000. Section K, p. 1, 4.

“ ‘All the Names’: Defiance, affirmation.” Review of “All The Names” by Jose Saramago. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 8, 2000. “The Arts,” p. 12E.

Two from Japan, ideas, innocence.” Reviews of “Norwegian Wood” by Haruki Murakami; “Asleep” by Banana Yoshimoto; “The Last Samurai” by Helen DeWitt; “Innocence” by Jane Mendelsohn; “Worship of the Common Heart” by Patricia Henley; “What Are You Like?” by Anne Enright; and “Honeymoon: A Romantic Rampage” by Amy Jenkins. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 3, 2000. “The Arts,” p. 12F.

Japan, Cuba, Bosnia, Vietnam.” Reviews of “The Tale of Murasaki” by Liza Dalby; “The Question of Bruno” by Aleksandar Hermon; “In The Name of Salome” by Julia Alvarez; “Windchill Summer” by Norris Church Mailer; “Priority: A Correspondence Published by Jean-Luc Foreur” by Iselin C. Hermann: “Name Dropping” by Jane Heller, “The Baltimore Sun,” June 4, 2000. “The Arts,” p. 12F.

Private, political, poetic.” Review of “Anil’s Ghost” by Michael Ondaatje. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” May 7, 2000, pp. K1, K4.

Novels of March: A pharaoh, an incubus, life as texture.” Reviews of “Akhenaten: Dweller in Truth” by Naguib Mafouz; “A Member of the Family” by Susan Merrell; “66 Laps” by Leslie Lehr Spirson; “Lunch with Elizabeth David” by Roger Williams; “Twice Dying” by Neil McMahon; “My Intended: A Love Story” by Brandi Scollins-Matha. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 12, 2000. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Sontag Herself On Stage.” Review of “In America: A Novel” by Susan Sontag. “The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday March 12, 2000, pp. K1, K6.

Childhood, race, passion, the ‘50s.” Reviews of “Like A Sister” by Janice Daugharty; “Blues Dancing” by Diane McKinney Whetstone; “Two Loves” by Sian James; “Crossing Shattuck Bridge” by Annette Sanford; “Rules of the Lake” by Irene Ziegler; “Staring at the Light” by Frances Fyfield. “The Baltimore Sun,” December 12, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 12F.

Men of conviction, on court, in life.” Review of “A Coach’s Life” by Dean Smith and “Bird Watching: Larry Bird on Playing and Coaching The Game I Love” by Larry Bird. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” November 28, 1999, p. K6.

Nothing Romantic About Colette.” Review of “Secrets of the Flesh: A Life of Colette” by Judith Thurman. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” November 14, 1999. p. K1.

Japan at war, in trans-Pacific eyes.” Review of “Riding the East Wind: A Novel of War and Peace” by O. Kaga. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 14, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 16F.

Expiation, Hammett, shrinks, pure evil.” Reviews of “A Gesture Life,” by Chang-rae Lee; “Nightmare Town” by Dashiell Hammett; “Having Everything,” by John L’Heureux; “Altar Ego” by Kathy Lette; “A Boy In Winter” by Maxine Chernoff; “Hitler’s Niece” by Ron Hansen. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 5, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 12F.

ER: A Life Apart.” Review of “Eleanor Roosevelt: Volume 2, 1933-1938” by Blanche Wiesen Cook. “The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday, July 18, 1999, p. H1, H6.

Short Story Revival is a Joy of Summer.” Fiction for June: “Someone to Watch Over Me” by Richard Bausch; “Who Do You Love?” by Jean Thompson; “Local Girls” by Alice Hoffman; “Who’s Irish” by Gish Jen; “Otherwise Engaged” by Suzanne Finnamore; “Careful What You Wish For” by Myrlin A. Hermes. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 6, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 16G.

Founding Mother.” Review of “Betty Friedan: Her Life” by Judith Hennessee. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” April 25, 1999, pp. H1, H8.

“’False Witness’ – the JFK assassination revisited.” Review of “False Witness: The Real Story of Jim Garrison’s Investigation and Oliver Stone’s Film, JFK” by Patricia Lambert. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 14, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Early Spring novels: Trekkers, Spenser, sex, chemicals.” Reviews of “Devil’s Valley” by Andre Brink; “The World and Other Places” by Jeanette Winterson; “Hush Money” by Robert B. Parker; “Teeth of the Dog” by Jill Ciment; “Swimming with Jonah” by Audrey Schulman. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 28, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 14F.

Murakami’s novel: ephemeral identity.” Review of “South of the Border, West of the Sun” by Haruki Murakami. “The Baltimore Sun,” January 31, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 11F.

The One and Only.” Review of “Playing For Keeps: Michael Jordan and the World He Made” by David Halberstam. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” January 24, 1999, pp. H1, H8.

Susan Cheever: a drinker’s memoir.” Review of “Note Found in a Bottle: My Life as a Drinker” by Susan Cheever. “The Baltimore Sun,” January 10, 1999. “The Arts,” p. 14G.

Amorality, Maoism, Jewishness.” Reviews of “Amsterdam” by Ian McEwan; “In the Pond” by Ha Jan; “The Conversion” by Ahron Appelfeld; “The Hours” by Michael Cunningham; “Women Without Men” by Shahrnush Parsipur; “God: Stories,” ed. C. Michael Curtis. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 29, 1998. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

“’The Road Home’: epic of empathy.” Review of “The Road Home” by Jim Harrison. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 25, 1998. “The Arts,” p. 14G.

The latest ‘Bech’ – effervescent at 76.” Review of “Bech At Bay: A Quasi-Novel” by John Updike. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 11, 1998. “The Arts,” p. 7F.

Dispiriting Hero.” Review of “Lindbergh” by A. Scott Berg. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” September 27, 1998, pp. Q1, Q6.

“’Museum Guard’: evil’s head puppet.” Review of “The Museum Guard” by Howard Norman. “The Baltimore Sun,” August 30, 1998. “The Arts,” p. 7G.

Autumn novels: Gilchrist, Coover, Moore and more.” “The Baltimore Sun,” August 23, 1998. “The Arts, p. 12F.

Helen Keller: How She Lost Her Battle With Society.” Review of “Helen Keller: A Life” by Dorothy Herrmann. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” August 9, 1998, p. Q1, Q6.

Daring, destiny, manhood, lizards.” Reviews of “The Chimney Sweeper’s Boy” by Ruth Rendell; “Your Blue-Eyed Boy” by Helen Dunmore; “The Way I Found Her” by Rose Tremain; “The Best of Friends” by Joanne Trollope; “Quite a Year For Plums” by Bailey White; “Gain” by Richard Powers. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 7, 1998. “The Arts,” p. 13F.

Renewal and Resilience.” Review of “A Widow For One Year” by John Irving. “Los Angeles Times Book Review,” May 17, 1998. p. 9.

In ‘Short History of a Prince,’ the life of a spiritual pauper is explored.” Review of “The Short History Of A Prince” by Jane Hamilton. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” April 19, 1998, pp. Q6-7.

Novels of March: The Spirit of Woman.” Reviews of “Cavedweller” by Dorothy Allison; “Oyster” by Jeanette Turner; “Shadows Of A Childhood” by Elisabeth Grille; “Shiva Dancing” by Bharti Kirchner; “The Dower House” by Annabel Davis-Goff. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 1, 1998. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

A poor artist finds a rich patron, sex aplenty and success.” Review of “Spending: A Utopian Divertimento” by Mary Gordon. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” Sunday, March 8, 1998, p. Q3.

Banks’ ‘Cloudsplitter’: Race, Class, War.” Review of “Cloudsplitter” by Russell Banks. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 22, 1998. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Gordimer’s New Novel: The Fate of Society.” Review of “The House Gun” by Nadine Gordimer. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 1, 1998. “Perspective,” p. 5H.

“’A March to Madness’: Hooping it up.” Review of “A March to Madness: The View From The Floor in the Atlantic Coast Conference” by John Feinstein. “The Baltimore Sun,” January 4, 1998. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Some novels of December: delight, blight and hilarity.” Reviews of “Self-Imitation of Myself” by Gordon Lish; “The Edge of Heaven” by Marita Golden; “Prozac Highway” by Persimmon Blackbridge. “The Baltimore Sun,” December 14, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Murakami’s ‘Bird’: resonant purpose.” Review of “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle” by Haruki Murakami. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 19, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Incubus.” Review of “Perfidia” by Judith Rossner. “Los Angeles Times Book Review,” October 12, 1997, p. 7.

A conflicted boy’s journey to become novelist J. M. Coetzee.” Review of J. M. Coetzee’s “Boyhood: Scenes From Provincial Life.” “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” October 12, 1997, p. Q5.

Updike’s ‘Time’ – meditation on aging.” Review of “Toward The End of Time” by John Updike. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 5, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4M.

“’Underworld’ – DeLillo’s triumph.” Review of “Underworld” by Don DeLillo. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 28, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

September novels: sweeping the world.” Review of “Four Letters of Love” by Niall Williams; “Grace Notes” by Bernard MacLaverty; “Love, Traitor: A Jerusalem Story” by Anna Mitgutsch; “The Dancing Girl of Isu and Other Stories” by Yasunari Kawabata. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 7, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4G.

Taking on Chaos.” Review of “The Witch of Exmoor” by Margaret Drabble. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” September 7, 1997, pp. Q1, Q8.

Terkel’s ‘Century’: national conscience.” Review of “My American Century” by Studs Terkel. “The Baltimore Sun,” August 10, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Yardley on Exley – Monument Builder.” Review of “Misfit: The Strange Life of Frederick Exley” by Jonathan Yardley. “The Baltimore Sun,” July 20, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Some June novels: Caputo, Mukherjee, Marshall, Mayle, Hassler.” Reviews of “Exiles” by Philip Caputo; “Leave It To Me” by Bharati Mukherjee; “Something Borrowed” by Alexandra Marshall; “Chasing Cezanne” by Peter Mayle; “The Dean’s List” by Jon Hassler. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 22, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Tale of Terror.” Review of “News Of A Kidnapping” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. “The Wall Street Journal,” June 3, 1997, p. A20.

Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? Certainly Not This Biographer.” Review of “Virginia Woolf” by Hermione Lee. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” May 11, 1997, p. Q4.

Roth’s ‘Pastoral’: history as invader.” Review of “American Pastoral” by Philip Roth. “The Baltimore Sun,” May 4, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Talking Pleasures – A Change of Eras.” Review of “The Speed of Sound: Hollywood And The Talkie Revolution, 1926-1930,” by Scott Eyman. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 23, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Novels of March – triumph, heroes.” Reviews of “Fugitive Pieces” by Anne Michaels; “The First $20 Million Is Always The Hardest” by Po Bronson; “Girls” by Frederick Busch; “Suspicion” by Robert McCrum; “When The Sons of Heaven Meet The Daughters of the Earth” by Fernanda Eberstadt. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 16, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Kelly’s ‘Payback’ – How power works.” Review of “Payback: A Novel” by Thomas Kelly. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 16, 1997. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Clint Eastwood seen as an emerging auteur.” Review of “Clint Eastwood: A Biography” by Richard Schickel. “The Baltimore Sun,” December 1, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Pamela Harriman: hauteur, corruption.” Review of “Reflected Glory: The Life of Pamela Churchill Harriman” by Sally Bedell Smith. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 24, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Rediscovering a mother brutally lost.” Review of “My Dark Places: An L.A. Crime Memoir” by James Ellroy. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” November 24, 1996, p. Q6.

November’s fiction: a richness of novels.” Reviews of “The Family Markowitz” by Allegra Goodman; “God’s Country Club” by Gail Donohue; “City of Darkness, City Of Light” by Marge Piercy; “The River Beyond The World” by Janet Peery; “Imaginings of Sand” by Andre Brink. “The Baltimore Sun,” November 10, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

James Stewart: Neither A Sinner Nor A Saint.” Review of “James Stewart: A Biography” by Donald Dewey. “The Baltimore Sun,” August 25, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Some August novels: dog days come alive.” Reviews of “The Other Family” by Jacqueline Carey; “Biggest Elvis” by P. F. Kluge; “Satisfied With Nothin’” by Ernest Hill; “Crows Over A Wheatfield” by Paula Sharp; “A Crack In Forever” by Jeannie Brewer; “Childish Things” by Marita van der Vyver; “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk. “The Baltimore Sun,” August 11, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

David Bruce –elegant, pragmatic.” Review of “Last American Aristocrat: The Biography of David K. E. Bruce, 1898-1977” by Nelson D. Lankford. “The Baltimore Sun,” July 28, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

Henry Roth’s Posthumous ‘From Bondage’ – 60 Years from ‘Call It Sleep.’” Review of “From Bondage: A Novel” by Henry Roth. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 23, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Thomson on Welles: Bourgeois On The Lawn?” Review of “Rosebud: The Story of Orson Welles” by David Thomson. “The Baltimore Sun,” May 26, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 5G.

An Unpredictable Writer Takes On Writing.” Review of “Fame & Folly: Essays” by Cynthia Ozick. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” May 26, 1996, p. K4.

Some May novels: Byatt, Kundera.” Reviews of “Babel Tower” by A. S. Byatt; “Chance” by Robert B. Parker; “Rose” by Martin Cruz Smith; “Slowness” by Milan Kundera.” “The Baltimore Sun,” May 12, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Ackroyd’s Blake: Tears for Immortality.” Review of “Blake: A Biography” by Peter Ackroyd. “The Baltimore Sun,” April 28, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4D.

Roddy Doyle’s Latest: epic of a social class.” Review of “The Woman Who Walked Into Doors.” “The Baltimore Sun,” April 14, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 5E.

“’Jerzy Kosinski’: an imploded outlaw.” Review of “Jerzy Kosinski: A Biography” by James Park Sloan. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 10, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

Callow’s Orson Welles: Ridicule Misplaced.” Review of “Orson Welles: the Road to Xanadu” by Simon Callow. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 11, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 5C.

Updike Uses History: Doom at the Millennium.” Review of “In The Beauty of the Lilies” by John Updike. “The Baltimore Sun,” February 4, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4J.

Iris Murdoch’s latest: ideas, comedy, satire.” Review of “Jackson’s Dilemma” by Iris Murdoch. “The Baltimore Sun,” January 7, 1996. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

Tennessee Williams: Texture of Discoveries.” Review of “Tom: The Unknown Tennessee Williams” by Lyle Leverich. “The Baltimore Sun,” October 22, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

Heilbrun’s ‘Gloria Steinem’: A Wall of Aloofness.” Review of “The Education Of A Woman: The Life of Gloria Steinem” by Carolyn G. Heilbrun. “The Baltimore Sun,” September 3, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Gertrude Stein & Co: an imposed agenda.” Review of “Favored Strangers: Gertrude Stein And Her Family” by Linda Wagner-Martin. “The Baltimore Sun,” July 9, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 5F.

Vidal’s Gay Declaration: 50 Years in Retrospect.” Review of “The City And The Pillar” and “Seven Early Stories” by Gore Vidal. “The Baltimore Sun,” June 18, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

John Berger’s ‘Wedding’: defiantly European.” Review of “To The Wedding” by John Berger. “The Baltimore Sun,” May 21, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Katharine Hepburn’s indomitable spirits.” Review of “Katharine Hepburn” by Barbara Leaming. “The Baltimore Sun,” April 9, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 4E.

Sidney Lumet on film: a veteran of the craft.” Review of “Making Movies” by Sidney Lumet. “The Baltimore Sun,” March 19, 1995. “Perspective,” p. 4F.

Basketball’s Good Old Days.” Review of “From Set Shot to Slam Dunk: The Glory Days of Basketball in The Words of Those Who Played It” by Charles Salzberg. “Newsday,” November 22, 1987.

A Journalist Defends Indiana’s Bob Knight.” Review of “Beyond The Brink with Indiana” by Bob Hammel. “Newsday,” August 17, 1987.

Denying The Evidence of Their Jewishness.” Review of “The Birthmark” by Dorothea Straus. “Newsday,” July 19, 1987.

Review of “Cinema and Social Change in Latin America: Conversations with Filmmakers,” ed. Julianne Burton; “Filming Literature: The Art of Screen Adaptation” by Neil Sinyard. “Journal of Modern Literature,” Annual Review Issue, 1987.

Western Postmortem of A Modern Samurai.” Review of “Mishima: A Vision of the Void” by Marguerite Yourcenar. “Newsday,” January 8, 1987.

Finding Flaws Behind The Bubble Gum Card.” Review of “Me and DiMaggio: A Baseball Fan Goes In Search Of His Gods” by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt. “Newsday,” December 24, 1986.

A Legend on the Court.” Review of “A Season On The Brink: A Year With Bob Knight and The Indiana Hoosiers” by John Feinstein. “The St. Petersburg Times,” December 21, 1986.

America’s Foremost Interpreter of Japan.” Review of “My Life Between Japan and America” by Edwin O. Reischauer. “Newsday,” August 20, 1986.

Tales of Succumbing To India’s Seduction.” Review of “Out of India” by Ruth Prawer Jhabvala. “Newsday,” May 12, 1986.

Forging A New Identity In An Alien Environment.” Review of “Solders In Hiding” by Richard Wiley. “Newsday,” February 24, 1986.

The Sting of Death and Other Stories” by Toshio Shimao. “The New York Times Book Review.” Sunday, December 1, 1985.

Rebuilding A Sense Of Self.” Review of “World’s Fair” by E. L. Doctorow. “The St. Petersburg Times,” November 17, 1985.

A Tale of Sad-Faced Boys and Fastidious Mothers.” Review of “Family and Friends” by Anita Brookner. “Newsday,” October 20, 1985.

Superwoman In A Lab Coat.” Review of “Recombinations” by Perri Klass. “Newsday,” September 29, 1985.

Unhappy Wife Wins True Love.” Review of “Memory and Desire” by Inga Dean. “Newsday,” August 4, 1985.

Films With Men In Women’s Guise and Vice Versa.” Review of “Hollywood Androgyny” by Rebecca Bell-Metereau. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” May 19, 1985.

Lindbergh case: Hero, Villains.” Review of “The Airman and The Carpenter” by Ludovic Kennedy. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” May 15, 1985.

A Dangerous Friendship Between Two Women.” Review of “Solstice” by Joyce Carol Oates. “Newsday,” January 13, 1985.

Doctorow Delivers A Sense Of Felt Life.” Review of “Lives of the Poets” by E. L. Doctorow. “The St. Petersburg Times,” December 23, 1984.

Triviality, Excessive Sex Drag Down Jong’s ‘Parachutes.’” Review of “Parachutes” by Erica Jong. “The St. Petersburg Times,” December 5, 1984.

Film Art Through The Cinematographer’s Eye.” Review of “A Man With A Camera” by Nestor Almendros. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” October 21, 1984.

Women Disappointed by Men.” Review of “Superior Women” by Alice Adams. “Newsday,” September 17, 1984.

Notes from Jean Rhys’ Dismal Life,” “Newsday,” September 5, 1984.

Kafka Biography Strong On Milieu, Weak on Psychology.” Review of “Franz Kafka” by Ernest Pawel. “The St. Petersburg Times,’ July 29, 1984.

First Novels That Treat Family Ties and Torments,” “Newsday,” July 29, 1984.

A Photographer Lured by Twins, Dwarfs and Nudists.” Review of “Diane Arbus” by Patricia Bosworth. “Newsday,” June 24, 1984.

A Bizarre Love Story In The Midst of Civil War.” “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” April 11, 1984.

A Radical Attacked For Insufficient Feminism.” Review of “Kathy Boudin” by Ellen Frankfort. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” January 15, 1984.

A Woman’s Tale of Spying In World War II.” Review of autobiography of Mary Bancroft. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” July 24, 1983.

A View of Von Bulow as a Thoroughly Nasty Sort.” Review of “The Von Bulow Affair” by William Wright. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” May 8, 1983.

Masks,” by Fumiko Enchi. “The Philadelphia Inquirer,” April 17, 1983.

Durgnat on Bunuel: With Lucidity and Grace.” “Quarterly Review of Film Studies,” Vol. 6, No. 4 (1982).

Woman Who Make Movies” and “Women in Focus” in “American Film,” January 1976.

Double Feature: Movies and Politics” by Michael Goodwin and Greil Marcus. “Cineaste,” Vol. V, No. 4. Spring 1973.

Film and Literature: Contrasts In Media” by Fred H. Marcus; “We’re In The Money: Depression America And Its Films” by Andrew Bergman; “Politics And Film” by Leif Furhammar and Folke Isaksson, all in Annual Review Issue, No. 11, “The Journal of Modern Literature,” ed. Maurice Beebe.

Running Away From Myself: A Dream Portrait of America Drawn From Films of the 40’s” by Barbara Deming. “Cineaste,” Vol. IV, No. 4. Spring 1971.


Otto Otepka, Robert F. Kennedy, Walter Sheridan and Lee Oswald: An Essay In Progress.” pp. 1-20. Available at www.joanmellen.net and at www.maryferrell.org.

Public Presentations:

How the Failure To Identify, Prosecute and Convict President Kennedy’s Assassins Has Led To Today’s Crisis of Democracy.” Delivered at the Ethical Culture Society, New York City, January 24, 2006. Available at www.joanmellen.net.

The Kennedy Assassination And The Current Political Moment.” Delivered at the 92nd Street Y, New York City, January 28, 2007. Available at www.joanmellen.net.

Writer at Large: “Film Quarterly,” 2007-2009.


Related: Interveiw with Adam Gorightly

Don't Stop Dancing

Based on the Investigation of the Life/Music/Career of Michael Jackson
More about the movie, Don't Stop Dancing CLICK HERE.
Big Boy Single Record
Big Boy

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy


Zorro: The Unveiling of the Killing of King by Patrick Wood brings the hidden details of the 1977 Gary Revel investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King JR. to light. He is writing and publishing the story in chapters in a way that brings to life the intimacy of Gary's dangerous quest of finding the truth and more. To begin your own personal journey Click Here to Read.

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MLK Assassination Investigation Links

Copies of pages from the transcript of the James Earl Ray guitly plea hearing and analysis by Special Investigator Gary Revel
Dark Arts of Assassination by Patrick Wood
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
J Edgar Hoover's FBI Destroy King Squad
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
Leutrell Osborne Finds Disturbing New Details Investigating Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
MLK Conspiracy Trial-Transcript
Mystery Helicopter and Riot Control in Memphis During March with MLK
New Questions About E. Howard Hunt And MLK Assassination-A Gary Revel Commentary
Pictures of Assassins
The Case Against James Earl Ray: Anyalysis by Martin Hay
The Deadly Business of the Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
They Slew the Dreamer - Lyrics and History

More Assassination Research Links

3 Tramps in Dealy Plaza: What are they to JFK killing
Adam Gorightly Interview by Investigative Journalist Bob Wilson
Abraham Bolden-Book Review-Echo From Dealey Plaza
Anti-Castro Cuban exile, Antonio Veciana met with CIA Handler and Oswald
Badgeman: Do you see him and did he kill JFK?
Beverly Oliver Interview-Eyes Wide Shut
Christopher Dodd and the MLK/JFK Assassinations
Bob Wilson Interview with Mort Sahl
Carlos Marcello's Hideout in Swamp by Gary Revel
Chief Curry, the FBI and Assassination of JFK
Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel
Deep Throat Surfaces - Watergate and Assassinations
Was Demohrenschildt CIA and Part of JFK Assassination Team?
Download PDF of the CIA's FAMILY JEWELS - FREE
Interview of Gary Revel on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Interview of Joseph Mcbride
Interview of Joan Mellen
Into the Nightmare-Mcbride Book Review
Gayle Nix Interview-JFK Assassination
JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t by James Fetzer
JFK: Antonio Veciana and Lee Harvey Oswald and the CIA
JFK: Antonio Veciana's book, 'Trained to Kill' more evidence of CIA involvement of JFK assassination.
JFK Assassination Bullet Fragment Analysis Proves Second Shooter
JFK Assassination Film
by Orville Nix with interview where he says the shot came
from the fence not the Texas Book Depository.

JFK Assassination Invetigation Continues
JFK: In The Light of Day by Gary Revel
JFK: In The Light of Day Update by Gary Revel
JFK: Robert Kennedy-Rollingstone Article
JFK: The Real Story-Movie Project
JFK: Through the Looking Glass Darkly
JFK: Why and How the CIA Helped Kill Him
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky tells it like it is.
Officer of the Year: Roger Craig, Dallas Policeman and Mystery Witness of JFK Killing
Russo, Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw
Shane O'Sullivan Interview
John Whitten: How the CIA Helped Kill JFK and Keep Their Guilt Hidden
Judd Apatow tweets his displeasure with theaters delaying opening of THE INTERVIEW (movie about a CIA plan to assassinate North Korea's Kim Jung Un) due to the GOP's terrorist threats.
RED POLKA DOT DRESS: Movie project, the mystery of the assassination of Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy; screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel.
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK
The Girl on the Stairs says Oswald did not pass her after the shooting of JFK
The Mystery of Roger Craig and the JFK Assassination
How the CIA Kept Secrets From the HSCA
Why and How the CIA Helped Assassinate JFK

John Lennon Assassination

John Lennon and ...
John Lennon killing, Wanna be a hero?

More Interesting News-Commentary-Perspective from Gary

Deep Throat Surfaces - Watergate and Assassinations
'SOMEONE IS HIDING SOMETHING' by Richard Belzer, David Wayne and George Noory.
Is the disappearance of a commercial airliner with over 200 people on board no more important than a fender bender? This book draws a staggering conclusion that some may want us to believe this airline tragedy isn't even that important.

Photos, pictures, art, books, poetry, news, and more at the Gary Revel PINTEREST Website.

Embrace ... Concept Art by Gary, Canvass, Posters, Prints ... on sale at Zazzle-Click Here

Gary Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan.

Owner of Jongleur Music Group of companies that includes music publishing/production/distribution, movie development, and book publishing.


Email: gary@garyrevel.com

Website Copyright 2006-2019 by Gary Revel