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Yes it's true that on June 4, 1963 President John F. Kennedy issued U.S. Silver certificates backed by silver which to some extent took power of some banks and bankers to charge interest on money borrowed by the US Government. This reduced the income of Federal Reserve Banks but not in any significant way. The real losers from JFK's policies were the Mafia and the Military Industrial Complex which would have had to absorb billions of dollars in losses had JFK's plan to end the Vietnam War been realized.
Most credible accountings show that the direct costs of the Vietnam War to the American taxpayer was about $170 billion. This was over a period of about 20 years or less than $19 billion a year. When you compare that with the direct gross income of the mafia, from Heroin sales that came from Burman; via ships and air transport through the militarized South China Sea and airspace, you realize that the weighted factor is on the side of the Mafia.
When President John F. Kennedy made it clear, in early November 1963, that he was ending the Vietnam War by the end of 1964, the Mafia would not let that decision stand. They would not allow JFK to take food off their tables; which in fact what would have happened had they lost control of the Heroin Pipeline that brought the highly profitable billion dollar Heroin trade to America and beyond.
Billions of dollars more in Military-Industrial kickbacks as well as Black Market arms and war supplies sales increased the total gross income for the Mafia.
The Illuminati benefits from worldwide banking to the tune of trillions of dollars and would not have been hurt as much by the change JFK was making in Federal Reserve Notes to silver certificates as in losses in the gross movement of Mafia money through it's worldwide banking systems, if JFK had effectively ended the Vietnam War.
Although the Rothschild family has a huge stake in worldwide banking they don't have as huge a stake as many other banks and businesses have that benefit directly and indirectly from organized crime.
The point is that though the Illuminati had some interest in stopping JFK from advancing his policies including the ending of the Vietnam War it was not as present, dangerous and direct to their bottom line as it was to the Mafia, that being the de facto incorporated Italian Organized Crime Families.
If you have read this and thoroughly understood it you can't help but see the relevance of motive for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Pure and simple, the motive was to prevent the ending of the Vietnam War in order to assure the continued many billions of dollars in profits that poured into the spending budgets and the bank accounts of the Mafia. This money was significantly accounted by the sales of the Heroin that came from Burma via the Heroin Pipeline and sold on the streets of cities in the United States and in Europe. The protection of that route was a vital part of American interests in keeping a military force in the South China Sea in order to provide safe passage for the drug. Although the general public had no idea this was part of the program those who did knew that of it's importance and had no hesitation in becoming part of the conspiracy to terminate JFK and help cover it up.
As far as the legitimacy of the Illumati in today's world is concerned that is a bit of a gray area. Most anyone can buy a membership into Illuminati groups on the internet and elsewhere today.
How and Why the CIA was involved is in another perspective I provide CLICK HERE ... or use this address ... ...
Zorro: Unveiling the Plot to Kill MLK ... Patrick Wood brings the hidden details of the 1977 Gary Revel investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King JR. to light. He is writing and publishing the story in chapters in a way that brings to life the intimacy of Gary's dangerous quest of finding the truth and more. To begin your own personal journey Click Here to Read.
Gary Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan.
40th Anniversary: THEY SLEW THE DREAMER How and Why the CIA was involved is in another perspective I provide CLICK HERE ... or use this address ... ... Owner of Jongleur Music Group of companies that includes music publishing/production/distribution, movie development, and book publishing. Email: Website Copyright 2006-2019 by Gary Revel |