New York City, NY USA
MAY 22, 2017
Update: May 23, 2017

A Gary Revel Investigations' Perspective
With the hiring of former FBI Director Robert Mueller, at the wake of the firing of FBI Director Jim Comey, and revelations of Trump's campaign conspiring with Russian Oligarchy and Intelligence assets, comes a worrisome mix for our President. I am one who gives honor to the office of President of the United States no matter who is holding it. Since LBJ's conspiratorial mix that helped take JFK out and President Nixon's corrupt and criminal reign I have not seen anything even similar to this. The out-right refusal to try to operate in a legal framework, or serious neglect (not likely but possibly some ignorance) in trying to obey the law, is now the norm for our White House. Make no mistake though, Donald Trump is still our President and should be accorded all the privileges and support that involves.
Now that we have Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller looking into the entire matter, as good citizens we should not jump to conclusions. We must not convict our President or his staff before the criminal process is complete. Our opinions, of course, do matter and should not be squelched but we should all keep in mind that opinions are not facts. One thing to be reminded of is before the firing Trump had said FBI Director James Comey had “guts” for doing “the right thing” concerning Comey's assault on Hillary Clinton just prior to the election. Then after firing Comey he called him a “showboat” and a “grandstander” and said the pressure of the Russian investigation was off now.
However, as someone who investigated the assassinations of MLK, JFK, and RFK I can't help but see an undertow of power and storm of conscience swirling about this conundrum. We all know that President Trump took an office in government that he was not prepared for. He has no government experience whatsoever and has made fumble after fumble since he took office. Should we all find that his shenanigans are just co-incidental [I will be surprised if this is the case] then no criminal charges may be appropriate. However if in fact his business technique has overthrown the sensitive tactics due Presidential style then we may see some severe criminal charges come forth.
I see many possible charges but won't spread a canvas for the art of a criminal prosecution, no; will wait and see. In any and every case, as I have told family and friends since Trumps entrance into the President Race, this will be the most interesting presidency in the history of the USA.
This is hard to balance. Trump saying "Islam hates us", and in favor of tracking all Muslims, implying they are in support of Islamic Radicalism that is the face of terrorism throughout the world, and now saying, “this is not a battle between different faiths, different sects or different civilizations.” Am I missing something or is this as two-faced as a human can get? Which is it Mr. President? Is the Islamic government of Saudi, (that still has 'head chopping day', still enslaves women and children to cultic religiousity, and still has schools that teaches it's students to hate America and everything freedom represents) in love with us now or do they still hate us?
President Trumps is visiting Saudi Arabia, Israel and Italy now. It's interesting how quickly he has veered away from many campaign promises, wow...! Trump campaigned with the rhetoric that the Saudis are “a money machine … and yet they don’t reimburse us the way we should be reimbursed.” and assured America and the world that he would stop buying oil from the Saudis if they didn't reimburse us saying, “Oh yeah, sure. I would do that.” Now he's giving them a deal for over $100 billion in military upgrades, hardware, intelligence and high end-sophisticated weaponry.
*******Related ...
Comey Letter on Clinton Email Is Subject of Justice Dept. Inquiry
The Justice Department’s inspector general said Thursday that he would open a broad investigation into how the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, handled the case over Hillary Clinton’s emails, including his decision to discuss it at a news conference and to disclose 11 days before the election that he had new information that could lead him to reopen it.
The inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, will not look into the decision not to prosecute Mrs. Clinton or her aides. But he will review actions Mr. Comey took that Mrs. Clinton and many of her supporters believe cost her the election.
They are: the news conference in July at which he announced he was not indicting Mrs. Clinton but described her behavior as “extremely careless”; the letter to Congress in late October in which he said that newly discovered emails could potentially change the outcome of the F.B.I.’s investigation; and the letter three days before the election in which he said that he was closing it again.
The inspector general’s office said that it was initiating the investigation in response to complaints from members of Congress and the public about actions by the F.B.I. and the Justice Department during the campaign that could be seen as politically motivated.
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For Mr. Comey and the agency he heads, the Clinton investigation was politically fraught from the moment the F.B.I. received a referral in July 2015 to determine whether Mrs. Clinton and her aides had mishandled classified information. Senior F.B.I. officials believed there was never going to be a good outcome, since it put them in the middle of a bitterly partisan issue.
Whatever the decision on whether to charge Mrs. Clinton with a crime, Mr. Comey, a Republican former Justice Department official appointed by President Obama, was going to get hammered. And he was.
Republicans, who made her use of a private email server a centerpiece of their campaign against Mrs. Clinton, attacked Mr. Comey after he decided there was not sufficient evidence she had mishandled classified information to prosecute her.
Graphic: These Are the Bad (and Worse) Options James Comey Faced
The Clinton campaign believed the F.B.I. investigation was overblown and seriously damaged her chances to win the White House and resented Mr. Comey’s comments about Mrs. Clinton at his news conference. But the campaign was particularly upset about Mr. Comey’s two letters, which created a wave of damaging news stories at the end of the campaign, when Mrs. Clinton and her supporters thought they had put the email issue behind them.
In the end, the emails that the F.B.I. reviewed — which came up during an unrelated inquiry into Anthony D. Weiner, the estranged husband of a top Clinton aide, Huma Abedin — proved irrelevant to the investigation’s outcome.
The Clinton campaign said Mr. Comey’s actions quite likely caused a significant number of undecided voters to cast ballots for President-elect Donald J. Trump.
F.B.I. officials said Thursday that they welcomed the scrutiny. In a statement, Mr. Comey described Mr. Horowitz as “professional and independent” and promised to cooperate with his investigation. “I hope very much he is able to share his conclusions and observations with the public because everyone will benefit from thoughtful evaluation and transparency,” Mr. Comey said.
Brian Fallon, the former press secretary for the Clinton campaign and the former top spokesman for the Justice Department, said the inspector general’s investigation was long overdue.
“This is highly encouraging and to be expected, given Director Comey’s drastic deviation from Justice Department protocol,” he said. “A probe of this sort, however long it takes to conduct, is utterly necessary in order to take the first step to restore the F.B.I.’s reputation as a nonpartisan institution.”
Mr. Horowitz has the authority to recommend a criminal investigation if he finds evidence of illegality, but there has been no suggestion that Mr. Comey’s actions were unlawful. Rather, the question has been whether he acted inappropriately, showed bad judgment or violated Justice Department guidelines. It is not clear what the consequences would be for Mr. Comey if he was found to have done any of those things.
The Justice Department and the F.B.I. have a longstanding policy against discussing criminal investigations. Another Justice Department policy declares that politics should play no role in investigative decisions. Both Democratic and Republican administrations have interpreted that policy broadly to prohibit taking any steps that might even hint at an impression of partisanship.
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Inspectors general have investigated F.B.I. directors before, but rarely. The most high-profile example was the investigation of William S. Sessions, who was fired by President Bill Clinton after an internal inquiry cited him for financial misconduct. In recent years, the inspector general has investigated accusations of wrongdoing by the F.B.I. involving some of its most sensitive operations, including a number of surveillance and counterterrorism programs.
As part of the review, the inspector general will examine other issues related to the email investigation that Republicans have raised. They include whether the deputy director of the F.B.I., Andrew G. McCabe, should have recused himself from any involvement in it.
In 2015, Mr. McCabe’s wife ran for a State Senate seat in Virginia as a Democrat and accepted nearly $500,000 in political contributions from Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a key ally of the Clintons. Though Mr. McCabe did not assume his post until February 2016, months after his wife was defeated, critics both within the agency and outside of it felt that he should have recused himself.
The F.B.I. has said Mr. McCabe played no role in his wife’s campaign. He also told his superiors she was running and sought ethics advice from F.B.I. officials.
Mr. Horowitz said he would also investigate whether the Justice Department’s top congressional liaison, Peter Kadzik, had improperly provided information to the Clinton campaign. A hacked email posted by WikiLeaks showed that Mr. Kadzik alerted the campaign about a coming congressional hearing that was likely to raise questions about Mrs. Clinton.
Investigators will be helped in gathering evidence by a law that Congress passed just last month, which ensures that inspectors general across the government will have access to all relevant agency records in their reviews.
The law grew out of skirmishes between the F.B.I. and the Justice Department inspector general over attempts by the F.B.I. to keep grand jury material and other records off limits. The new law means Mr. Horowitz’s investigators should have access to any records deemed relevant.
Mr. Trump has not indicated whether he intends to keep Mr. Comey in his job. When he cleared Mrs. Clinton of criminal wrongdoing during the campaign, Mr. Trump accused him of being part of a rigged system.
Although the president does not need cause to fire the F.B.I. director, a critical inspector general report could provide justification to do so if Mr. Trump is looking for some.
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The MLK Assassination Investigation and where it Led ... Gary Revel
Retired FBI Agent and Police Chief Don Adams,
who was one of the original investigators in Dallas
examining the JFK assassination, stumbles upon records
and reports that were doctored. He knows, because he
filed the original reports. His decade long investigation
has taken him deep into history, to the National Archives
and beyond. Step by step he says he has learned and can
prove that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK.
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy
The lies and deceit in this phone conversation between 2 supposedly 'honorable men' are overwhelming. President Lyndon B. Johnson and FBI Director-J. Edgar Hoover conspire to keep the world in the dark as they have an ego pumping session shortly after JFK's killing. CLICK HERE to hear the entire, disturbing, and incredible private conversation. If the link doesn't work you can copy and paste this URL into your Web Browser address box.

MLK-They Slew the Dreamer Presentation
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MLK Assassination Investigation Links
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Download PDF of the CIA's FAMILY JEWELS - FREE
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RSS Feed: Gary Revel MLK Assassination Investigation
Gary Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan.
The lies and deceit in this phone conversation between 2 supposedly 'honorable men' are overwhelming. President Lyndon B. Johnson and FBI Director-J. Edgar Hoover conspire to keep the world in the dark as they have an ego pumping session shortly after JFK's killing.
To hear the entire, disturbing, and incredible private conversation. If the link doesn't work you can copy and paste this URL into your Web Browser address box.
Owner of Jongleur Music Group of companies that includes music publishing/production/distribution, movie development, and book publishing.
Website Copyright 2006-2017 by Gary Revel