December 3, 2014
Temple, Texas
A former anti-Castro Cuban exile, Antonio Veciana, told a conference audience Sept. 26 that he saw Lee Harvey Oswald with their mutual CIA handler six weeks before the killing of JFK.
During my investigation of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1977 I found a connection between the killing and the CIA as well. This confession by Mr. Veciana is more evidence and proof that Oswald was a CIA operative who was set up to take the fall for the assassination.
David Atlee Phillips, a high-ranking CIA official who used the cover named "Maurice Bishop" had run CIA's covert operations that originally was organized to assassinate Fidel Castro but later was used to morph a team into the sinister and deadly group that assassinated JFK. This group included E. Howard Hunt, Frank Sturgis, Gerry Patrick Hemming and a few others.
Veciana, who is 85 years old, said he now admires JFK but in 1963 viewed him as a traitor to the cause of the Cuban Exiles. I learned from my investigation that many of those who supported that cause were part of the CIA's Bay of Pigs operation and blame President Kennedy for it's failure and the deaths of those who took part in it.
In 1977 I found the modus operandi of the JFK operation was used over and over again for the killing of Nobel Peace Prize Winner Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy. Since then my investigation has led me to find that the killing of John Lennon was a continuing branch of these types of operations and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan has some characteristics that are similar as well.

The President with First Lady Jacqueline Lee (Bouvier) Kennedy
To read the new historical perspective by co-writer Gary Revel; The JFK Assassination: In the Light of Day-Click Here