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Mark Chapman Arrest Photo

March 10, 2017

Update: November 7, 2017

New York City, New York, USA

John Lennon Assassination

Black Man in the CIA/Leutrell Osborne Joins Team
John Lennon said "Make love not war." Was that a reason to kill him?
New Revelations in the JFK Files Make For Disturbing Realities

The Final Report on the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.


Black Man in the CIA/Leutrell Osborne joins with Gary Revel research investigation team for a developing motion picture project about the assassination of John Lennon. The story is based on the investigation into the 'Dream Killer' aspect of the murder that broke the hearts of millions of Beatle/John Lennon fans around the world. As soon as it was announced producers started calling hoping to become attached to the project. Gary Revel recently 'Red Polka Dot Dress' with Frank Burmaster, about the assassination of Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

On December 8, 1980 Mark David Chapman shot 5 bullets at John Lennon outside The Dakota apartment building in New York City. Four of those bullets found their target and John Lennon died soon. Chapman said the answer to why he did it could be found in J. D. Salinger's novel 'The Catcher in the Rye'.

Chapman had ruled over 'Little People' that lived in walls and said he had told them about his plan to kill Lennon. They refused to be led by him from then until after the killing. At first he had said he killed Lennon to become famous however his motive has moved about over the years. He is still in prison today serving his sentence due to the guilty plea. Some wonder why he wasn't found mentally unfit to plead guilty. He said he heard a voice on that day saying, 'Do it, do it.'

Reporter Maureen Cleave of the London Daily Standard wrote that Lennon had said, "We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or Christianity". The Beatles were already rankling the feathers of traditional values and fundamental Christians were horrified at this statement.

Later Lennon would apologize,and say he did not mean to mock religion. Apparently he was trying to explain that the Beatles received more attention than Christianity. Regardless this had set off a firestorm, especially through the South in the United States. Conservative Bible-belt Christians were outraged, and went to extremes where Beatle records were burned in bonfres.

The team is considering the possibility that Mark Chapman may have personally taken offense to this comment. There is no certainty of this as yet but it is a matter of interest.

There is little evidence that Chapman had any serious interest in or was any kind of fan of the Beatles. He had only owned one Beatles record, and there is no one from Chapman's church community that can recount any offense he had taken by Lennon's comments. His interest in Lennon came after the Beatles had broken up.

Leutrell Osborne can bring a perspective from having been a CIA Case Manager during the time of the volatile 1960s and 1970s.

Chapman awaited his arrest reading 'Catcher in the Rye'. The Doorman told him to run away before the police got there. Officer Arthur O'Connor, head of the 20th Precinct NYPD said that he felt Chapman was programmed. It was unknown by the NYPD that Lennon had been under intense surveillance by the FBI; that's the official story.

More on Lennon/Gary Revel

John Lennon and ...
John Lennon killing, Wanna be a hero?
News: Option Agreement talks in process about the finished screenplay.
Giving Peace a Chance: The Project to put a statue of John Lennon in Central Park, New York City, NY
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by Orville Nix with interview where he says the shot came
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Judd Apatow tweets his displeasure with theaters delaying opening of THE INTERVIEW (movie about a CIA plan to assassinate North Korea's Kim Jung Un) due to the GOP's terrorist threats.
RED POLKA DOT DRESS: Movie project, the mystery of the assassination of Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy; screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel.
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK
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Website Copyright 1998 - 2022 by Gary Revel

Published by Gary Revel
All Rights Reserved