Michael Jackson – What It Was
Background and Treatment of the MJ story by Gary Revel
I began putting together The True Story of Michael Jackson sometime in 1994, probably in August or September. I had requests from Ben Brown, Gordon Keith (AKA William Adams) and others to help them write or get the true story of Michael Jackson written and published via book, documentary, movie or television broadcast.
Michael's true story begins in Gary, Indiana and after being discovered by Ben Brown and Gordon Keith he sings lead on a music recording produced by Keith and Ben for their Steeltown Records label the song, is Big Boy or I'm A Big Boy Now. The recording is mixed, mastered and released as a single record on Steeltown Records and is played on the radio in Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana and the surrounding areas.
A total of 13 recordings would be made by Steeltown of Michael, lead singer for the Jackson 5.
They are:
1. Monologue
2. We Don't Have To Be Over 21
3. You've Changed In So Many Ways
(the same as the 'You've Changed' on Motown's first Jackson 5 album for which Gordon Keith and Ben Brown have both told me was more or less stolen from them by Berry Gordy)
4, Big Boy
5. Michael The Lover
6. Jam Session
7. My Girl
8. Soul Jerk
9. Under The Boardwalk
10. Saturday Night At The Movies
11. Tracks Of My Tears
12. Lonely Hearts
13. Stormy Monday
Joe Jackson was taking his boys to beer joints and other clubs to play music for adult audiences during this time and my sources have told me that during some of the nights when the boys stayed in motels and 'friends' homes to make the show dates more timely Michael would be a victim of sexual abuse by grown men. I have been offered audio tapes of some of these men telling stories of how Joe allowed and encouraged this. One particular tape is supposed to be of a Medical Doctor confessing his sordid deeds.
The music biz is a sleazy
biz at best...the fact that the music soars over it --is above it
all--is sort of an irony...and Mikey lived this irony...he was like
an angel that fluttered over a sordid world...
In my movie,
Michael has to find a glint of happiness somewhere...where is
it his playthings? Is it the accolades? Does he have a favorite
Blanket he keeps with him into adulthood, was it replaced by his son,
(finally he gives it up?)
IT OR WRAPPED IN IT WHEN HE DIED??? is it in the casket...????
is this Blanket thing.. did it protect him, was it the envelope he
was sent along in to limit the harshness that was his in putting up
with the biz...the real world as he knew it...
.Was it one of
his psychological props, the little things that identify his
"longings" through his belongings as he had many
belongings...and many things that in the end meant so little. His
relationship with children, though bizarre to most, was normal to
him. He had himself experienced pleasant experiences with strange men
as a child. In the motels and bars he had started his career as a
singer in.
When he traipses around the house, he may wear an
old but comforting robe? A princely gown? underwear? He danced with
himself, kids, friends anyone who'd stop and take the time...He'd
dance by himself like the famous Tom Cruise danced when his parents
were out of town in Risky Business... The nights in that huge mansion
had to be as gleeful as they sometimes were lonely for him... That
huge room where he'd sometimes watch TV???? Some had seen him turn
lights against a wall and do a shadow dance when he was alone? We
think he saw that in a movie once.
I saw him do the moon dance
for the first time at the Apollo in LA.. It blew everyone away...the
crowd went wild...they naturally loved him...on stage, he was one wih
the Universe...
He often spoke in that
soft low voice. It became his natural voice in most times but not
always. He had his stage persona also and could speak firmly then
like an arrow to the heart when needed.
If he accepted you as
a friend and felt comfortable being only heard the
soft voice. Who was the real Michael Jackson?
He was a
singer, a man and a fascinating character...
His voice was a
higher ranged baritone that would easily become pure falsetto...he
usually spoke in a California accent...he had a spry step...when he
came up to you, he sort of went up on the balls of his feet then back
down...he "wore his hands" on his hips,...
He went
through a smoking period once, but gave it up....
He studied
music on his own. He had an extensive music library.
would say things like-- "Music...there's always music with that
boy...he can never get enough of it! Most people like it quiet every
now and then, but not Michael, no, he just can't get enough!
Daddy, Joe Jackson, once spanked him so hard in a Green Room before
he went on stage that he couldn't perform...the brothers had to do
two or three tunes until Mikey stopped crying long enough to get on
stage and sing...crying through his tears, but holding them back in
the spotlight, was a nightmare that didn't just go away...
He recorded for Steeltown when he was 5 and 6.
It was all work, work, work for Michael
During his younger years
he'd sometimes eat the whole bowl of fruit in the Green Room and
several sandwiches...he'd sneakily take stuff with him as he headed
back to the motel....he said he didn't like the room service his
Daddy ordered, he only liked it when he could order! He'd often
order more than one desert.
He had nightmares as a child and
they got worse as he got older...he just couldn't sleep...maybe a
form of dementia was setting in from years of abuse and drugs...the
body, the mind, can only take so much deceptions - lies –
fantasy. We ask where does the nightmare end and reality begin.
Finally enormous success with Thriller.
Legal problems - Children
May 26, 1994, Twenty days
after her divorce from Keough, Presley married singer Michael
There were times he would not eat solid food at
all...only intravenous stuff...maybe he should have been eating steak
and potatoes! Someone should have seen to this...did Dr. Murray ever
mention sustenance? Michael had times that he was
Did anyone ever think that the reason
he couldn't sleep and needed Propofal was that his psyche was afraid
to go to sleep because of all those nightmares born in the past that
just kept coming back?
Why couldn't Michael sleep? Could it be
a Monster Talent will always end up with Monster Nightmares?
matter Dr. Murray? Michael was not long for this world anyway doing
those kinds of was a form of suicide in the face of
achieving the biggest burst of stardom ever...the new tour....He was
destined to go out in a flame of glory like James Dean and
Everything was more compelling, harder, bigger,
brighter, darker than was die or explode into the Neverland Inferno blasting into dust...the
perfect metaphor for the life of Michael Jackson...
that with the life of never escaping childhood, even as a Man...the
irony of which is he said he never had a childhood..the truth is he
never left one.....his last words???
"I never had a
childhood...there is no hope."
"There is no
He never had a childhood, it is he
created one in his mind and physically crept into everlasting
youthful fantasy and just stayed there...
I think MJ was loved, but
his Dad's behavior made him feel unloved...neglected...he is the
classic product of child abuse and neglect, he just had "the
look" of plenty...I think his brothers loved him but the love
ended more for the money he provided than his friendship and concern
for his best interests-his health...everybody was so busy. Some of
his family really loved him but the love got lost in the
He had been taught to be a well mannered
child...polite for a little kid...usually surrounded by adults...his
dad, older brothers, businessmen in suits... He got his doctor to
more or less live with him... Maybe that was his biggest
Eventually he would hold one of his own little
children over the edge of a balcony. A dangerous and provocative
thing to do with news reporters watching. Even if he was sure he
would not drop his child.
He flamed out like a
Roman Candle...trying to take on a worldwide tour at the age of
50....he needed the money....he needed the juice....
His relationship with
women has also been a mystery... He may have been dynamite in the
sack on those occasions when he could let go of everything else and
just enjoy a woman... Women and girls were attracted to him, he was a
tall guy, a big guy, a beautful man; expressive hands that mesmerized
when covered with white gloves.
Lisa Marie was/is a rare
beauty and theirs was a storybook romance as far as we know...I mean
he went out to woo her and bring her home--and he did! Swept her off
her feet....what was it like...only she knows..but we can easily
imagine...they both were very shy in real life....had a lot in
He must have found some happiness as a grownup, good
looking guy that he was (before the clown face).
The parties
he threw at Neverland back in the day could be fun...all those
animals, you know there were some wild and crazy moments.
was naturally the life of the party and a fun guy...his best years
were the Thriller years, when he had short hair, wore no make-up and
had his monkey... a good monkey scene never hurt a movie.
No doubt Michael eventually becomes very rich and very famous and stands by the created story of Motown and Diana Ross being the discoverer of MJ and The Jackson Five and to this day I have never heard any public statement or acknowledgement of the Pre-Motown music recordings. When you realize that it certainly was the single record, 'Big Boy' on the Steeltown label, that introduced the mega-selling King of Pop to the world and that fact has been overlooked all these years then you go on to learn other hidden secrets immersing the entire Jackson empire you realize that the someone needs to set the record straight and tell the true story of Michael Jackson.
The story must begin where it begins and that is with the recording of the Gary, Indiana music recordings, some of which were released by Steeltown Records and especially the Steeltown single record, 'Big Boy'. I called Current Affair and other media and news organizations offering Ben or Keith as subjects for interviews, etc.
One day I was in my office when the phone rang.
“You tell Ben Brown to keep his mouth shut. Michael doesn’t want him talking to the press or anybody.”
This is what I heard over the phone from a man who had identified himself as Bill Bray Director of Security for Michael Jackson.
I replied, “Sorry, but I can’t do that. He has a right to tell his story and that story includes his part in the success of Michael’s music career.”
Some months before Ben had called me and asked for a meeting related to the music business of Michael Jackson. I had agreed and at that meeting with Ben and his wife, Joann, I got a 2 hour seminar on how Michael Jackson had really got his start and achieved success in the music business. To my surprise it wasn’t as I had thought I knew. Michael had not been discovered by Diana Ross and Motown Records had not been the first record company to produce, and release Michael Jackson records. A small Gary, Indiana based record company, Steeltown Records, was the first record company releasing Michael Jackson and Jackson 5 records. Ben and Joann asked me for help in getting the true story to the public. Part of the deal we made included developing a record release of the early Pre-Motown Michael Jackson music.
I worked with Ben and then later Gordon Keith, who was also one of the early partners of Steeltown, to slowly correct the great misunderstanding the public had been brainwashed with.
On the morning of June 25, 2009 I was watching news on TV and heard a report that Michael had been rushed to the hospital due to a cardiac arrest. Shortly the report changed to the simple statement that Michael Jackson was dead.
Now, new calls for me to investigate the death of Michael were coming in. Still the cry for the true life story begs to be achieved and now along with that is the cry for the true story of his possible murder. Now Dr. Murray Conrad is being tried for Negligent Homicide because of Michael's death.
I expect to finally bring both together in a movie that will bring the candid facts via an explosive and riveting motion picture about the life and death of Michael Jackson. No corner of deceit or criminal involvement of the real life characters will be left uncovered in this story of Michael’s life that millions are anxiously awaiting to see.
With French Screenwriter-Jordan Tate as my co-writer I have finished the screenplay, Don't Stop Dancing, which will bring the true life story of Michael Jackson to his millions of fans all around the world.
last scene of the movie will be in the graveyard, go to black,
".MJ--(dates of life and death)--REST IN PEACE"
Zorro: The Unveiling of the Killing of King by Patrick Wood brings the hidden details of the 1977 Gary Revel investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King JR. to light. He is writing and publishing the story in chapters in a way that brings to life the intimacy of Gary's dangerous quest of finding the truth and more. To begin your own personal journey Click Here to Read. Photos, pictures, art, books, poetry, news, and more at the Gary Revel PINTEREST Website. Embrace ... Concept Art by Gary, Canvass, Posters, Prints ... on sale at Zazzle-Click Here Gary Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan. Owner of Jongleur Music Group of companies that includes music publishing/production/distribution, movie development, and book publishing. Email:
More about the movie, Don't Stop Dancing CLICK HERE.
Big Boy
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy
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MLK Assassination Investigation Links
Copies of pages from the transcript of the James Earl Ray guitly plea hearing and analysis by Special Investigator Gary Revel
Dark Arts of Assassination by Patrick Wood
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
J Edgar Hoover's FBI Destroy King Squad
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
Leutrell Osborne Finds Disturbing New Details Investigating Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
MLK Conspiracy Trial-Transcript
Mystery Helicopter and Riot Control in Memphis During March with MLK
New Questions About E. Howard Hunt And MLK Assassination-A Gary Revel Commentary
Pictures of Assassins
The Case Against James Earl Ray: Anyalysis by Martin Hay
The Deadly Business of the Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
They Slew the Dreamer - Lyrics and History
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Adam Gorightly Interview by Investigative Journalist Bob Wilson
Abraham Bolden-Book Review-Echo From Dealey Plaza
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Beverly Oliver Interview-Eyes Wide Shut
Christopher Dodd and the MLK/JFK Assassinations
Bob Wilson Interview with Mort Sahl
Carlos Marcello's Hideout in Swamp by Gary Revel
Chief Curry, the FBI and Assassination of JFK
Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel
Deep Throat Surfaces - Watergate and Assassinations
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Download PDF of the CIA's FAMILY JEWELS - FREE
Interview of Gary Revel on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Interview of Joseph Mcbride
Interview of Joan Mellen
Into the Nightmare-Mcbride Book Review
Gayle Nix Interview-JFK Assassination
JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn’t by James Fetzer
JFK: Antonio Veciana and Lee Harvey Oswald and the CIA
JFK: Antonio Veciana's book, 'Trained to Kill' more evidence of CIA involvement of JFK assassination.
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JFK Assassination Film
by Orville Nix with interview where he says the shot came
from the fence not the Texas Book Depository.
JFK Assassination Invetigation Continues
JFK: In The Light of Day by Gary Revel
JFK: In The Light of Day Update by Gary Revel
JFK: Robert Kennedy-Rollingstone Article
JFK: The Real Story-Movie Project
JFK: Through the Looking Glass Darkly
JFK: Why and How the CIA Helped Kill Him
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky tells it like it is.
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Russo, Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw
Shane O'Sullivan Interview
John Whitten: How the CIA Helped Kill JFK and Keep Their Guilt Hidden
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RED POLKA DOT DRESS: Movie project, the mystery of the assassination of Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy; screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel.
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK
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