Why the smile and wink of Albert Thomas and gleefulness of Ladybird?

Why would a congressman, aboard the plane on which Lyndon Baines Johnson was being sworn in as President of the United States, wink at LBJ? That is a question, millions have asked since the 1960s, when the picture began to be seen. Here is what we know. First about Albert Thomas. Albert Thomas was born in Nacogdoches, Texas, on 12th April, 1898. During the First World War he served as a second lieutenant in the United States Army. Thomas graduated from the Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, in 1920. He then went on to study law at the University of Texas in Austin and in 1927 became district attorney for the southern district of Texas (1927-1930). A member of the Democratic Party, Thomas was elected to the House of Representatives in 1936 and eventually became chairman of the House Defense Appropriations Committee. Thomas became a member of what became known as the Suite 8F Group. The name comes from the room in the Lamar Hotel in Houston where they held their meetings. Members of the group included Lyndon B. Johnson, George Brown and Herman Brown (Brown & Root), Jesse H. Jones (multimillionaire investor in a large number of organizations and chairman of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation), Gus Wortham (American General Insurance Company), Robert Kerr (Kerr-McGee Oil Industries), James Slither Abercrombie (Cameron Iron Works), William Hobby (Governor of Texas), Richard Russell (chairman of the Committee of Manufactures, Committee on Armed Forces and Committee of Appropriations) and John Connally (Governor of Texas). Alvin Wirtz and Edward Clark, were also members of the Suite 8F Group.

Here are copies of photographs taken on the plane, when LBJ was sworn in as President of the United States of America, just after JFK was killed. This happened on Nov 22nd, 1963.

The famous Albert Thomas Smile and Wink

Albert Thomas (far left) with Lyndon Johnson on the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

Thomas also served on the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy and was instrumental in securing the location of the United States National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) and the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston in 1961. This involved obtaining 1,000 acres of land that had originally been owned by the Humble Oil Company to Rice University. Thomas persuaded George Brown, a trustee of Rice University, to donate the land to NASA.

Another interesting question that came up about that time.

Why did Ladybird Johnson have such a gleeful expression on her face?

What is this about, JFK had just had his brains blown out by assassins, thus giving her husband LBJ the presidency?

More at https://garyrevel.com/jfk/cia.html - Click here to start your journey in the true history of this infamous day.

Here are a few more details of happenings details from that day.

Dr. Crenshaw, then a resident physician at Parkland Hospital
Dr. Charles Crenshaw's book Conspiracy of Silence (Reprinted as TRAUMA ROOM ONE) caused a minor sensation when it was released in 1992, even attracting the attention of the New York Times. Coauthored by Jens Hansen and Gary Shaw.

He says:

"The back of Kennedy's head was blown out, clearly implying a shot from the Grassy Knoll in front of Kennedy. A small wound in Kennedy's throat was an entrance wound, proving a shot from the front, and not from the Sniper's Nest behind Kennedy."

Chief Counsel Richard Sprague told me that JFK's personal physician, Dr. George Burkley, had been ready to testify that even if Oswald had been a shooter on the 6th floor he could not have fired the shot that caused the throat wound because it was an entrance wound. Dr. Burkley was in the motorcade when the Presdient was shot and had examined JFK at Parkland hospital just after the shooting. Here is a note Richard Sprague-Chief Counsel of the House Select Committtee on Assassinations filed before he was fired.

From: Richard Sprague
To: File
March 18, 1977

William F. Illig, an attorney from Erie, Pa., contacted me in Philadelphia this date, advising me that he represents Dr. George G. Burkley, Vice Admiral, U.S. Navy retired, who had been the personal physician for presidents Kennedy and Johnson.

Mr. Illig stated that he had a luncheon meeting with his client, Dr. Burkley, this date to take up some tax matters. Dr. Burkley advised him that although he, Burkley, had signed the death certificate of President Kennedy in Dallas, he had never been interviewed and that he has information in the Kennedy assassination indicating that others besides Oswald must have participated.
Illig advised me that his client is a very quiet, unassuming person, not wanting any publicity whatsoever, but he, Illig, was calling me with his client's consent and that his client would talk to me in Washington.
Parkland doctors, knowing there was a conspiracy, have feared to speak out.
The President's body was altered between Parkland Hospital and the autopsy at Bethesda.

Dr. Robert Nelson Mcclelland, another doctor that treated JFK at Parkland Hospital
"It was a huge exit wound to the BACK of the president's head, to the occipital parietal area (that would be the right, back of the skull)."
In testimony at Parkland taken before Arlan Specter on 3-21-64, McClelland described the head wound as, "...I could very closely examine the head wound, and I noted that the right posterior portion of the skull had been extremely blasted. It had been shattered...so that the parietal bone was protruded up through the scalp and seemed to be fractured almost along its right posterior half, as well as some of the occipital bone being fractured in its lateral half, and this sprung open the bones that I mentioned in such a way that you could actually look down into the skull cavity itself and see that probably a third or so, at least, of the brain tissue, posterior cerebral tissue and some of the cerebellar tissue had been blasted out...." Later he said, "...unfortunately the loss of blood and the loss of cerebral and cerebellar tissues were so great that the efforts (to save Kennedy's life) were of no avail." McClelland made clear that he thought the rear wound in the skull was an exit wound. McClelland ascribed the cause of death to, "...massive head injuries with loss of large amounts of cerebral and cerebellar tissues and massive blood loss."

Xray Technician Paul Connor
Xray Technician Paul Connor was one of the first to see the JFK corpse after it was taken from the body bag once it arrived at Bethesdal Naval Hospital to have "autopsies" performed. 2 naval doctors with absolutely no experience in forensic pathology were assigned to do the autopsy. "we were aghast....there were no brains. The back of his head was completely blown out". When shown the "official" autopsy photographs with the neat little entry hole his response was. "I don't know where they got there, but these are complete fakes'.

There are many of us that just don't believe in the 'Lone Gunman Theory' as it applies to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Among us was Jackie Kennedy and slain Senator/Attorney General Bobby Kennedy. In a recent Gallup Poll over 60% of Americans don't believe in it either. The hard evidence, when taken as a whole, just doesn't weigh enough to push the balance of justice to the guilt of Oswald. Even if you forget about all the rest just the fact that the head shot could not have come from the 'Oswald Rifle' is enough to keep a 'guilty beyond a reasonable doubt' verdict. During my investigation in 1977 I could not even put Oswald on the 6th floor when the shots rang out. That would have presented a problem in a trial too.
Another interesting event is President Lyndon Johnson called the operating room as Oswald was being treated due to the Jack Ruby shooting; speaking to the doctor LBJ demanded a death bed confession be extracted from Lee Harvey Oswald.

More problems for prosecutors who might have attempted to convict Oswald:

Texas radio show, in 2006 and JFK Researcher Richard M. Hooke's analysis (3/1/2015) had an 85 year old caller, named Velma, who saw J.D. Tippit directing traffic behind the TSBD right after the shooting. Velma said she was living in Dallas at the time and was sitting in her car, parked behind the TSBD, during the assassination. She remembered seeing a man run out the back of the TSBD with a gun (high-powered rifle no bolt action) which she now says was Mac Wallace. There was also a man, wearing a felt hat and wide band, black heavy eyebrows; sitting in a grey Plymouth 1-seater coupe. The man looked her in the eye. She said Tippit yelled at the man to move his car, but he did not right away. Velma said she had not come forward then because she didn't want to get shot. Tippit got back in his police car and went around Dal-Tex and the man in the felt hat went, in his grey coupe, the other direction around the Dal-Tex building.

*Note Mac Wallace and Loy Factor were both dark complected according to those who knew him.

Photo from University of Texas at Austin Web Site
Witnesses who heard 4 shots: Carolyn Walther, Ruby Henderson, Robert West, Amos Euins, James Worrell, Robert West

Arnold and Barbara Roland saw Loy Factor, in west window with a rifle, and Mac Wallace (dark complected) or Lee Oswald in east window; just before Oswald went downstairs, prior to the shooting; the WC said Arnold Roland was mistaken.

Carolyn Walther saw two men; either Wallace and Oswald (east end), a little earlier, or Wallace and Factor (west end), a little later (closer to the shooting). Carolyn was not called by Warren Commission. Ruby Henderson saw two men; either Wallace and Oswald (east end), a little earlier, or Wallace and Factor (west end), a little later (closer to the shooting). Ruby was not called by Warren Commission. John Powell (and other prisoners in county jail) saw two men in east window; Wallace and Oswald, a little earlier; before Oswald went down to the lunchroom (as some witnessed then out front to the doorway); where he was photographed, by James Altgens. The Warren Commission never called anyone from the jail to testify. Ronald Fischer and Robert Edwards saw a man shooting (Wallace or Factor). Amos Euins- saw a dark complected man fire either Wallace or Factor; Euin's mother was threatened before he testified. James Worrell heard 4 shots, went around back, saw man run out, 5'7", 165 lbs., with dark hair go around backside (west) could have been Lee Oswald, at 12:40, going around backside, across top of knoll, and into station wagon (one of Ruth Paine's); Worrell was killed in an auto accident in 1966.

Some of this is from ... Richard Hooke http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97pPNG03ikc ... How many men on the 6th floor and how many shots were fired. Uploaded on Dec 17, 2008 - Many witnesses saw more than one man on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository and several heard more than three shots. Velma, 85 years old, telling about seeing a gunman running out of the TSBD. Neither his appearance nor gun matched that of Oswald's.

Still: Even after the overwhelming amount of clear evidence that Oswald could not be the killer of JFK I really don't blame those who continue to believe he did it. We have all been fed and continue to be fed such load of manure that it's really impossible to make heads or tails of this matter from all the information and misinformation that is available today. If I had not investigated the matter myself, when some of the files, testimony, evidence, etc.. was still fairly fresh, I doubt if I could get a handle on it today either. All the polls show that most people have not been able to swallow a lone-nut gunman theory for JFK's killing even after all these years and all the manure that has been spread on their individual and corporate consciousness. In consideration for those who were unknowingly involved in the killing and the continuing cover-up we have to weigh in the fact that, as I found during my investigation, they'd demur with, 'I was just doing my job'.

The CIA had pretty much ran their own ship until President Kennedy moved into the White House. He brought a new approach; one that the CIA did not like. Under Allen Dulles the CIA had toppled foreign heads of state in Guatemala and Iran but now JFK was asking the CIA to be more diplomatic than resorting to covert operations and dirty tricks. Where the CIA acted largely without restriction now JFK took the reins and made the traditionalists in the intelligence world very unhappy. A New York Times report once quoted JFK as saying he wanted "to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." There is little doubt that the CIA had people, whether contract employees or otherwise, that hated JFK because of the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the fact that he was known to be privately remarking on his discontent with the agency. CIA and US Military were bitter after Kennedy's lack of support in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. It was this event that paved the way for JFK to retire/fire CIA Director Allen Dulles. Dulles became the scapegoat as it were for the Bay of Pigs failure. Many US Military and CIA folks have told me that the Bay of Pigs and subsequent Dulles firing was all that was needed for plans to come to the table for an exercise to relieve JFK of his duty. Of those with power to know and provide intelligence and logistical support for such an operation were Chief of Counterintelligence James Angleton, agents Cord Meyer, George Joannides, E. Howard Hunt along with contractors Frank Sturgis and Gerald Patrick Hemming; among others. Whether it was rogue elements, contract players or regular CIA they served well in the execution of the assassination and the cover-up. These are the kinds of people that were known to be comfortable with brutally murdering, using torture and any other coercion tactic on people to satisfy the completion of their mission. Not to forget that J. Edgar Hoover and many in the FBI helped also. Then there was Mafioso Godfather Carlos Marcello and his influence in the matter that clinched the operation.

It has been written that by the time of his killing, Bobby was less suspicious of the CIA being involved in his brother's assassination and more so the Mafia. This may have been a fateful mistake.

Due to the CIA's infiltration of news organizations, publishing companies as well as many other governmental and business operations the following cover-up was a sure thing. Now, for me, after just passing the 50th anniversary of JFK's murder, I must weigh the influence of the CIA's part as too important to think anything but, their guilt is evident.

Retired FBI agent Don Adams calls the Warren Report "Nothing But a Bunch Of Lies."

Retired FBI Agent and Police Chief Don Adams,
who was one of the original investigators in Dallas
examining the JFK assassination, stumbles upon records
and reports that were doctored. He knows, because he
filed the original reports. His decade long investigation
has taken him deep into history, to the National Archives
and beyond. Step by step he says he has learned and can
prove that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill JFK.

Accusations and names of conspirators that came out of CIA Operative E. Howard Hunt's Confessions along with other factual findings from the files of Gary Revel Investigations:

J. Edgar Hoover: FBI Director who despised JFK and RFK and was psychologically traumatized by rumours that he could soon be relieved of his Seat of Government position by President Kennedy.
Lyndon B. Johnson: LBJ, whose own career was assisted by JFK nemesis J. Edgar Hoover (FBI), gave the orders to a CIA-led hit team, and helped guide the Warren Commission/lone gunman cover-up.
Cord Meyer: CIA agent, architect of the Operation Mockingbird disinformation apparatus, and husband of Mary Meyer (who had an affair with JFK).
David Atlee Philips: CIA and Bay of Pigs veteran. Recruited William Harvey (CIA) and Cuban exile militant Antonio Veciana.
Ted Shackley: CIA Operations Chief with career and personal motive to help take out JFK.
William Harvey: CIA and Bay of Pigs veteran. Connected to Mafia figures Santos Trafficante and Sam Giancana.
Antonio Veciana: Cuban exile, founder of CIA-backed Alpha 66.
Frank Sturgis: CIA operative, mercenary, Bay of Pigs veteran, and later Watergate figure.
Gerald Patrick Hemming: CIA operative, mercenary, confessed to being involved on a number of occassions.
Carlos Marcello: Powerful Mafiosso Godfather known to harbor hate for JFK as well as his brother Robert F. Kennedy.
David Morales: CIA hit man, Bay of Pigs veteran. Morales was also a figure involved with the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
Malcolm Wallace: LBJ hitman known to have killed several enemies of Lyndon Baines Johnson.
George Joannides: CIA operative who put a stranglehold on the House Select Committee on Assassinations to make sure no evidence of involvement in the JFK and MLK assassinations came out. He didn't count on Chief Counsel Richard Sprague directing me toward their involvement a week before Sprague was fired.
Lucien Sarti: Corsican assassin and drug trafficker, possible "French gunman," Grassy Knoll (second) shooter.

The release of new JFK files and files related to the MLK assassination in 2017 have done nothing to dissuade the evidence as to the innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray. The cumulative value of all the newly released files simply support all of the findings I have established as a result of my investigation in 1977.

More on how the CIA kept it's secrets, even during the House Select Committee on Assassinations ... CLICK HERE

Excerpts from US Government book identifying Gary as the Special Investigator, investigating in association with the House Select Committee on Assassinations

v. 9. Interviews with James Earl Ray (March 22, March 28, and April 14, 1977) --
v. 10. Interviews with James Earl Ray (April 29, May 3, and September 29, 1977) --
v. 11. Interviews with James Earl Ray (November 14 and December 2, 1977) --

Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.
John F. Kennedy


MLK Assassination eye witness, Charlie Stephens, said James Earl Ray was not the shooter that killed Martin Luther King Jr.
Copies of pages from the transcript of the James Earl Ray guitly plea hearing and analysis by Special Investigator Gary Revel
Dark Arts of Assassination by Patrick Wood
Escape that was the First Step to James Earl Ray's Setup as Patsy
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
J Edgar Hoover's FBI Destroy King Squad
Investigating the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - People get Killed
Leutrell Osborne Finds Disturbing New Details Investigating Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination
MLK Conspiracy Trial-Transcript
Mystery of James Earl Ray and the Passports
https://garyrevel.com/ray/raypassportsmlk.html Mystery Helicopter and Riot Control in Memphis During March with MLK
New Questions About E. Howard Hunt And MLK Assassination-A Gary Revel Commentary
Pictures of Assassins
The Case Against James Earl Ray: Anyalysis by Martin Hay
The Deadly Business of the Murder of Martin Luther King Jr.
They Slew the Dreamer - Lyrics and History

More Assassination Research Links

3 Tramps in Dealy Plaza: What are they to JFK killing
Adam Gorightly Interview by Investigative Journalist Bob Wilson
Abraham Bolden-Book Review-Echo From Dealey Plaza
Anti-Castro Cuban exile, Antonio Veciana met with CIA Handler and Oswald
Badgeman: Do you see him and did he kill JFK?
Beverly Oliver Interview-Eyes Wide Shut
Christopher Dodd and the MLK/JFK Assassinations
Bob Wilson Interview with Mort Sahl
Carlos Marcello's Hideout in Swamp by Gary Revel
Chief Curry, the FBI and Assassination of JFK
Conspired to Kill: Opinion by Gary Revel
Deep Throat Surfaces - Watergate and Assassinations
Was Demohrenschildt CIA and Part of JFK Assassination Team?
Download PDF of the CIA's FAMILY JEWELS - FREE
Interview of Gary Revel on guilt/innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald
Interview of Joseph Mcbride
Interview of Joan Mellen
Into the Nightmare-Mcbride Book Review
Gayle Nix Interview-JFK Assassination
JFK and RFK: The Plots that Killed Them, The Patsies that Didn't by James Fetzer
JFK: Antonio Veciana and Lee Harvey Oswald and the CIA
JFK: Antonio Veciana's book, 'Trained to Kill' more evidence of CIA involvement of JFK assassination.
JFK Assassination Bullet Fragment Analysis Proves Second Shooter
JFK Assassination Film
by Orville Nix with interview where he says the shot came
from the fence not the Texas Book Depository.

JFK Assassination Invetigation Continues
JFK: In The Light of Day by Gary Revel
JFK: In The Light of Day Update by Gary Revel
JFK: Robert Kennedy-Rollingstone Article
JFK: The Real Story-Movie Project
JFK: Through the Looking Glass Darkly
JFK: Why and How the CIA Helped Kill Him
Mikhail Kryzhanovsky tells it like it is.
Officer of the Year: Roger Craig, Dallas Policeman and Mystery Witness of JFK Killing
Russo, Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw
Shane O'Sullivan Interview
John Whitten: How the CIA Helped Kill JFK and Keep Their Guilt Hidden
Judd Apatow tweets his displeasure with theaters delaying opening of THE INTERVIEW (movie about a CIA plan to assassinate North Korea's Kim Jung Un) due to the GOP's terrorist threats.
RED POLKA DOT DRESS: Movie project, the mystery of the assassination of Senator/Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy; screenplay by Frank Burmaster and Gary Revel.
The business of murder related to Santo Trafficante, the Mafia, the CIA, JFK, MLK and RFK
The Girl on the Stairs says Oswald did not pass her after the shooting of JFK
The Mystery of Roger Craig and the JFK Assassination
How the CIA Kept Secrets From the HSCA
Why and How the CIA Helped Assassinate JFK

John Lennon Assassination

John Lennon and ...
John Lennon killing, Wanna be a hero?

More Interesting News-Commentary-Perspective from Gary

Investigative Notes on the Nicole Simpson Murder by OJ Simpson
Deep Throat Surfaces - Watergate and Assassinations
'SOMEONE IS HIDING SOMETHING' by Richard Belzer, David Wayne and George Noory.
Is the disappearance of a commercial airliner with over 200 people on board no more important than a fender bender? This book draws a staggering conclusion that some may want us to believe this airline tragedy isn't even that important.

Gary Revel found links to those responsible for the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK, John Lennon and the attempted killing of President Ronald Reagan.

Website in association with Jongleur Pictures

Website Copyright 2006-2022 by Gary Revel